Beast ModeRobot Mode (Cyber Key gimmick activated)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout (Basic)
Homeworld: Jungle Planet
Cyber Key Code: su39
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black, greenish dull yellow, bronzish brown, dark jungle green, and some silver, light jungle green, dull metallic bronzish orange, and dull gold
Rating: 8.5

    Wreckloose's (HORRIBLE pun, ugh) beast mode is a lizard. This mode is very well done, with great proportions and even better detailing-- there's mold detailing EVERYWHERE on this guy, from the small spikes on his tail to the techno-organic "piping" on his underside. He's also got some pretty good paint detailing too-- I especially love the gold lines under his eyes and the silver "metal patches" spread throughout his structure, it makes him look like he's been through a good deal of battles. He also looks like he has little orange "straps" going across his tail to hold his scarred structure together! He also has very good articulation for a beast mode; he can move at the shoulders and knees of each of his four legs, and his front two legs also have a little ankle articulation. His mouth can open and close, and what's especially unusual is that his mid section can swivel back and forth in not one, but TWO places, so you can get a pretty good number of poses out of him. I've heard some complaint about Wreckloose's color scheme, calling it "clashy", but I don't see it-- all his colors seem to meld pretty well to me, and are appropriately "lizardy" in their overall mix. There are a few downsides to this mode, though most of them are somewhat minor-- first, his robot hands are rather obvious, sticking out from the back of his front legs like they are. Second, due to his construction, it's rather obvious that his tail splits in half and rotates at the waist to become his robot legs, though this doesn't really count as an "extra". Third, the way that his Decepticon symbol sits on one side of his forehead instead of in the middle of it looks a little odd, I don't understand why Hasbro put the symbol there of all places. And fourth, his Cyber Key gimmick looks a bit odd in this mode-- if you insert the key into the slot of the armor piece on his upper back, little spiky antlers swing out to the sides. A lizard with antlers? Still, if you don't like it, you can always take the armor piece off and put it aside-- it makes the mode look more streamlined with it off, I think.
    Wreckloose's robot mode isn't quite as good as his beast mode, but the significant word there is "quite"-- it's still rather good. Just like in his beast mode, Wreckloose has got great articulation-- with the exception of being able to do the splits or bend sideways at the knees, Wreckloose can be put into pretty much any other position you could reasonably expect on a smaller-than-Ultra toy. When it comes to interesting detailing, Wreckloose also still excels in this mode-- the cobra-snake-like design on his chest is especially eye-catching. The straps molded on his legs in this mode look like they could be used for holding guns-- which is why I think instead of just having the rear beast legs hanging off the right leg in such an ugly manner, it would've been better if they could have somehow slided to the side to the leg to look more like a gun holster. The way his transformation is done, his legs are also two different colors, which is a little distracting at first, but you quickly get used to it. Another slight downside is that the lizard-head halves about his shoulders have the hollow part more visible in this mode, which doesn't look all that great. Some have said that Wreckloose's head design is ugly, and this is true, with its large horn on the forehead and orc-like maw, but it's obviously meant to be ugly-- Wreckloose is a mean guy and proud of it! The Cyber Key weapon can be held on the back of either of his arms in this mode as a shield-weapon, or if you don't want him to be holding it (as it does get in the way of movement a bit), you can simply plug it onto his back for storage-- a very thoughtful and appreciated feature!
    Wreckloose is a very unique and interesting Transformer, with some GREAT articulation, detailing, and an innovative Transformation. His odd robot legs and his weak Cyber Key gimmick are his major downsides, but if you can ignore these few things, he is a very fun figure and one of the better Cybertron beasts. Recommended.

Wreckloose Bio:
An eager fighter for Scourge, Wreckloose throws himself wholeheartedly into battle. He rarely carries a ranged weapon, preferring to use his bladed shield in close combat. Able to blend in almost perfectly with the Jungle Planet underbrush and move silently through even the densest vegetation, he will wait in hiding for days just to ambush a challenging opponent.
Strength: 6.5
Intelligence: 5.5
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 4.5
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 5.5
Skill: 8.5

Review by Beastbot

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