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Vampire Toilet Paper

"Smells like a Vampire wiped his arse with it"


Dare to not recite by rote
Your path through life, no drifting boat
Can ever reach such fabled lands
Or magics wield, so take my hand.

Kisses dreams and petty spite
Pale before the supereal site
One thousand hearts may bleed and die
Mere ashen cinders in your eye.

Drink deep my blood or please abstain
Taste what virtue fails to tame:-
Heretic, hero, poet, dreamer
Manipulator, warlock, schemer.

So damn your scorn if you can't feel
it's love. It's love that makes us real.
Rather cruel damnation face
Than pacify our fall from grace.

But I cannot keep from idolising
The source of all this fantasing:-
Angel, princess, maiden, slave
Harlot, lover, goddess, knave.

Alexander Wallis


You crush the stars with your stare,
Your eyes burning the edges of my dreams,
As your body melts into the darkness,
You drift away from me like ashes on the night air.

But parting is your own mistake,
Awakening is frost's embrace,
Tender knives caress the break
Of day. Take me back, to dream, your face.

Daylight burns inside my eyes,
Weeping tears of morning dew,
Tangled webs of night's sweet dreams
Inside my heart I'm holding you.

Crushed roses does a poison make
Tainting life with death's induction
For you a thirst I cannot slate
Addicted to your sweet corruption.

Alexander Wallis & Ali. M.


A sword is drawn in spiritless dark
To purify past wrongs,
The hopes are words the future brings;
of bloody deeds the songs.

And mists of Time unveil the joining
evil that was sought
A stifled breath, the Warrior's gasps;
his memory of battles fought.

Dark halls of death unconquered
Waiting to be freed
Blood red upon his eyes half-closed
the shallows of Man's greed

In shadows grey and wanton
his soul now waits its form
A fighter for Man's Truth
His skin from bones is torn.

All mankind is now waking
to the wars such warriors won;
I draw my sword and forge my soul
The cut is deep
Blood Make Us One!

Jane Gray


Beneath the city's facade of brick and mortar, I stalk.
A thousand watchful stars are my witness, but no mortal eye has held me.
I seep through benighted gutters, the tenebrous veins of a behemoth metropolis.

In stagnant dereliction, I have breath.
From pitch windows and lifeless eyes, I reflect.
In crimson pools of still anticipation, I gather, take form, incarnate...

An Adam in dark Eden.

I clasp this ghost town in my arms, leaving dusty footprints with each step.
Eternity fools us all, and I like no other who yearns to find the secret, can only search forever.

Perhaps in my dying dreams I will have achieved the impossible,
laid light to the most vulnerable.
Yet in my weary soul I burn your lifeless eyes, draw strength from the pain within.
I cannot comprehend the meaning or hypothesis of all I see laid before me,
I can only utter the unmentionable, the unthinkable... the undeniable.

These delusions have surrounded me with confusion.
Where once there were dwellings, abodes of the most innocent, I search for bone and rubble.
The world has deserted and the mockery of it's laughter now only reflects in the ruins of the rainbow.

Alexander Wallis & Rebecca Tessier

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