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To apply for a Feature Character, open an email to either or Label it '*Name* - FC'.

Next, provide us with some very basic information:

Your full name (or as much as you're willing to give us. Of course, we don't need your middle name).
Your email address (This MUST be a valid email address; we need to be able to contact you easily. A yahoo or hotmail account is perfectly acceptable).

Previous or existing characters elsemu*. Please be as complete as you can be; we prefer applicants be truthful with us on this account.

Tell us what times you'll be able to log on. We like to have active FC's when possible; however, if you really want this character but occasionally are unable to log on, tell us here and now. If you don't and are forced to pull out in the middle of a TP or somesuch, we'll be far less forgiving.

Now, some information for the character's +finger:

Quote: Something the character might say that represents them and their personality fairly well. This is optional (meaning that you can use the one already on a char, if they have it), but it is highly recommend that you make your own or use one from the show, at least. If we find the quote vulgar or thematically inappropriate, we will ask you to change it.

Note: A paragraph that sums up the character. This is the most important part of a person's +finger, so it should be detailed, well-written and complete. Try to include information on the character's personality, some of their weapons, and one or two of their weaknesses. Same rules apply as with quotes.

Now, the most important parts of the application:

Personality: Outline your interpretation of the character's personality. If you want to cite events from the TV show, feel free; all that's necessary, however, is that you give us a clear idea. Prove to us that you know how the character acts.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths and Weaknesses of your character; please, at least one of each should NOT be only combat related. Strengths are things like why the character is useful to his or her faction, or what rare skills they have. Weaknesses are ways the character might jeopardize themselves or teammates.

Sample Pose: Something your character might do if someone were to find him or her alone somewhere, or how your character might react to one or two people he's speaking with in confrontation. No actual combat poses, please; confronting a member of the opposite faction (without actually firing as though you were in combat) is just fine.

FC Interactions: Outline here your relations with other FC's as you see them; you should have at least five or six, but it's not necessary to outline all of them (in fact, please avoid it :P ) and feel free to include some FC's your character has not met on the show, in order to help give us an idea of how you would portray this character. We suggest including one or two members of the opposite faction.

Why you want this character: Just a brief explanation of why you want this character. Be a little bit more specific than "He's cool and he can blow up stuff," if you can help it.

Future RP: Where do you intend to take this character? What do you plan to do with him or her? How do you want this character to evolve? No dramatic and sudden changes of personality if you can help it, please. :P Talk about your character's development and, if you know it applies, how you might run your character's division (if they're a division or faction CO/XO).

What YOU consider a twink (bad RPer/player) to be.

Your opinion of the idea of Consensual RP (the idea that all major things must be agreed upon beforehand).

Send the mail. You're done. =) We'll respond whether you're accepted or not; beware that the response may take anywhere from under a day to several days. Always be prepared to be stuck with guest access (or just without an alt) for several days after you submit your app; if you're a guest, spend the time asking people questions and familiarizing yourself with the game and commands in general. Read the other news and +help files if you can, and if you feel up to it, keep track of the bulletin boards. Write some descriptions and TF messages for your character to save time going IC later.

And above all, Have Fun!
