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Mop & Pop

"Woof woof," said the dog.


Home Up Photo Gallery

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So, this is a picture of the old folks sitting on the couch.  That is what they like to do.  Because they are old and gray and full of sleep, and nodding by the fire.

But because they are so old, you just know they've had an interesting life.  If you want to find out more about them, keep reading!

They say a picture says a thousand words... And if you think I'm crazy, then this picture should clue you in as to where it all began...

The year was 1967, as you can tell by the dorky duds.

The young city-slicker Frances McQ, wearing her cat-eye spectacles and her glow in the dark top, meets country-bumpkin Dan F in an automatic photo booth (for reasons they have never explained).  It's love at first sight.

Dan offers to show Fran the world in his spiffy sports car (pictured here just outside the old family homestead).

And so, renting a tan van, Dan & Fran ran off to Vegas to get married by a singing Elvis preacher.  However, after running up enormous gambling debts, the two of them had to flee for the relative safety and obscurity of the Canadian prairies...

...But not before spending some of their ill-gotten wealth on a fabulous honeymoon in the tropics (see photos!)...

After spending the last of their cash, Dan and Fran had to make a few changes in their previously wild life.  Dan got a job as a water heater repairman, and he and Frances settled down to try to have a normal life.  They then proceeded to have seven children...

Yes...  seven.


Charlotte's POV:  That old lady doesn't walk very fast.  I like to run when I go out for a walk.  And the old guy is always worrying about me throwing up.  But they are nice people, even if they do fall asleep in front of the news every night.



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This page was last updated on 12/31/03.