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-----Gnomie is one of the more recent additions to La-La Land. Although his life is still very young, his heart-wrenching tales of survival have touched the hearts of many. His life began in the far away land of China. As fate would have it, Gnomie was born a deaf mute- a large disappointment to his parents. As family tensions rose, Gnomie decided it would be best for him just to leave his unhappy childhood behind, and became a street person. Gnomie lived alone on the streets of China well into adolescence.

----- Being the adventure seeking Gnome that he is, Gnomie decided one day that he would embark on a quest to find Gnomes like himself.
Gnomie's journey eventually brought him to a Walmart in Canada. He was shocked to find an army of Gnomes... each one an exact replica of himself. Gnomie was excited. He finally felt like he belonged.

----- Gnomie's happiness was short lived, for he soon discovered that he was in the presence of EVIL Gnomes (EVIL Gnomes are Gnomes that are on a mission to spread cheer and happiness around every inch of the globe). Gnomie was highly opposed to making the world a happier place, but when he tried to leave, the EVIL Gnomes forced him to stay. They even sang a corny musical about love and happiness. Gnomie, although he was a deaf mute, still had the amazing ability to communicate telepathically, but only with other Gnomes or people who spoke Gnome (yes, Gnomes have their own language). He still had to endure the musical, despite his faulty hearing. It scarred him emotionally for the rest of life.

----- Often, during the night, Gnomie would send out telepathic distress signals to whoever might have the amazing ability to communicate telepathically and speak Gnome.

Only the Cheezie Emperor had the ability to telepathically communicate in Gnome, and being the good, kind-hearted and highly intelligent person that she is, came quickly to the rescue.
The Cheezie Emperor brought Gnomie back to La-La Land and decided to raise Gnomie as her own son.
Although Gnomie was a full-grown Gnome, he still craved the joy of experiencing a happy childhood.

----- Gnomie pleaded with his mother to let him attend school. At first, the Cheezie Emperor was skeptical. She knew how cruel kids could be to those who are different than themselves- and Gnomie was definitely different. She had also promised Gnomie that he would never have to suffer again, but at last gave into her son's pleading.

----- At first, school was great. Gnomie wasn't making very many friends and he had difficulty understanding what the teachers were trying to teach him because they didn't speak Gnome, but that didn't matter to him. Gnomie was just happy because he didn't feel alone when he went to school. He felt like an independent individual for the first time in his life.

----- Things were going well for Gnomie until he fell victim of bullying. Gnomie was kicked in the head, and his skull was shattered. Gnomie was hurt, more emotionally than physically.
The left side of Gnomie's face could not be salvaged, and having a large hole in the side of his head placed Gnomie at an even higher risk of bullying. Nonetheless, Gnomie continued to put on a brave face and attended school until that fateful day. Gnomie was brutally beaten and sexually molested in his science class.

----- To this very day, Gnomie has not recovered from that experience. He now spends his days locked alone in a darkened bedroom, refusing to go near anyone but the Cheezie Emperor. The enthusiastic twinkle in Gnomie's eyes was replaced by a distant, blank stare...

To show Gnomie you care, you can email him at