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Highlander 2525


By Tblue

(all characters are acknowledged as the properties of their respective studios, this is written only for fun, not profit.)


Creegan was fiddling around with the wiring on a new drone, when he felt a shiver down his spine. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled.
That feeling...- he hadn't experienced this since that - that fall down the shaft that nearly ...
Dumping the drone on the bench , he ran to the shaft-entrance, but the feeling left as swiftly as it had appeared.
His eyes narrowed in thought.


Sarge was checking security fixtures on the perimeter of the lab.
Something had been bugging her of late - Hel had been less and less communicative over the past two weeks, and she wouldn't say what was troubling her.
The Voice had a hand in it somewhere, that was for sure.
Sighing to herself, she reset the detector, and began the long walk back.

As she passed a darkened tunnel, something made her turn and look. It was pitch black, but...
She assumed a defensive crouch slowly, as the lens slid over her eye.
The infra beam picked out a figure standing very still, near the side.

She armed up, snarling "Come out where I can see you! - make no sudden moves....."
The figure began walking silently towards her.

"Slow it buddy, or I'll blow your head off!"

As the stranger stepped into the dim light, he chuckled softly to himself.
"I don't think I'd enjoy that experience very much." His voice had a strange lilt to it. Sarge hadn't encountered that accent before, and she'd thought she knew them all by now...

Keeping her gauntlet trained on the man, Sarge spoke - "Hel, we have a security problem... Hel...?"
There was a pause."Bring him in".
"Hel, we don't know if -"
"Bring him in NOW"
Hel was sounding strained. Sarge glared at the man.

He had a quirky little smile on his face. His dark hair was tied neatly back. He wore a long black coat.
Lifting his hands in a gesture of compliance, he turned and headed down the corridor, Sarge was right behind him, holding the laser at his neck.

"Would you mind lowering your aim a little?"


Hel was pacing in an anxious way. She stopped as they entered the lab.
"You must be Duncan."
"That I am. And you would be Hel?"
"Yes. Voice, he's here. Now will you tell me what this is all about?"

Meanwhile, Cleo, who had been asking Mauser questions about the practicality of his outfit, had turned on hearing him speak.
"I know that accent - it's Scottish! Am I right?"
Sarge raised her eyebrow. "You mean it's one from your time?"
"Sure! I remember I used to watch a show, about a man who was - "
He turned to face her.

Cleo gaped in surprise " - .. ... you?!!"
He smiled. "A fan! How nice - I haven't had one for centuries!"

"But - Duncan was just a character - your real name was - Adrian?"
"Just a cover. Having the truth on television was the best disguise I ever had!" He grinned again.
"Buh - but.." This was way too strange - even for Cleo!


Creegan slowly made his way up the shaft interior. He hated being in this place - it held painful memories, but it was the only way he was going to track that sensation to its cause. And when he did...
He sneered.
Suddenly the shiver ran along his spine - very close. It was slightly different - somehow more menacing. Intrigued by the sensation, he had paused to savour it, when a voice spoke from the shadows of the ledge opposite.

"Hello - I don't believe we've met before..."

Creegan flicked a luminance sphere into the void. It started spinning, releasing a wavery light.
The speaker was a man dressed in black. He had short dark wavy hair, and a neat goatee.
A rakish gold ring adorned one ear.
The speaker winked, a sly grin revealing his teeth.

A faint shiver of familiarity washed over Creegan. "I don't know you, of that I'm quite quite certain. But I think a small chat would perhaps be advantageous to us both?"
The stranger eyed him speculatively.
"Hmm. You may have a point..."


Sarge looked at Duncan speculatively. "So they froze you too?"
She grimaced. "Great, so you two know each other. That's all we need - another defrosted twenty-firster".
"...I'm not..."
Cleo frowned, still puzzled. "He's an imm-"
Hel broke in - "Enough of the memories. Will you please inform us why Voice sent you here?"
"Voice sent you?" - Sarge raised a quizzical eyebrow - "Why?"

He said that he was immortal.
A the subsequent snorts of skepticism from Hel and Sarge, he asked Cleo to demonstrate how it worked.

"You know how it goes, just line up your gauntlet and give me your best shot."
"But this is crazy! "

"I'll do it." Sarge stepped forward, raised her arm and shot him straight in the chest.
The force of the blast caused him to stagger momentarily.
He steadied himself against the table, adjusted his shirt and smiled.
Her eyes narrowed. "So how do I know you're not a betrayer?"

- "Duncan is not a betrayer."
Hel rolled her eyes. "Word from on high - he's not a betrayer."

Duncan sighed - "But therein lies the problem..."

He explained.
"About a year ago, I was involved in a skirmish with another immortal, deep in the underground.
Smith was his name - and I was successful in conquering him"
"So what's the problem?"
"He was sighted several times recently, on the lower levels."

Cleo chimed in - "But you cut off his head, right?"
"Yes, I did, at the time. But I had to get out of there quickly - so I escaped down the shaft. The speed of my exit gave me no time to absorb his powers. When I came back to clean up the evidence. the body had gone. On those levels, I had figured that folks would see it as another skirmish and pay no attention to it, but I hadn't counted on scavengers doing a deal with the parts."

"They sold the body...?"
"Yes - when I asked around some of my sources, I discovered that the head and the body were both taken to a betrayer laboratory to be drained for fluid."

"Eewww!" She grimaced at the thought. " But once you killed him, there would be no memories to transfer, right?"
"That would normally be the case. But as I told you, I didn't absorb his powers"

Cleo was puzzling this hard. "I think I get it - with his fluids generating a new betrayer, and with nowhere else to go, his memories just stuck around then flowed straight to the mind of the clone?"
"Right - so now he's not just an immortal, he has all the qualities of a betrayer as well."

"But you can still cut off his head, right?"
"If I can get near him enough with this, yes."
Duncan withdrew his sword from his coat.

Although she couldn't help but appreciate the fine antique weapon, Sarge glared at Mauser. "You let him walk in here with that?"
"The weapon is 'old fashioned' - there is no electronic signature for the sensors to pick up. Clever." He tilted his head. "But you did not give him a body search? Technically that is -" He searched his memory for one of the phrases that Cleo had been teaching him - "The balls are in your court?"
Sarge arched one eyebrow in surprise.

"Enough with the banter!" snapped Hel in irritation. " So Voice, what does this have to do with us exactly?"
"This betrayer has a special ability to detect certain people. Duncan and I have known each other and Smith for a - long time. In his mortal state, I could have dealt with Smith, but as a betrayer...until Duncan successfully brings him down, I risk being not only exposed - but almost certainly killed."

Hel felt a strange chill. She shook her head. "Very well. We could set up a signal generator - I'm sure Mauser can arr-"
"It's more subtle than that. Smith won't be drawn out into the open unless Duncan is nearby. Smith won't die unless his head is removed, and with the skills he has, only Duncan is good enough to defeat him, and this time we need to make sure the energy transfer is successful."

"And you need to use the sword to..." Sarge drew her finger across her neck.
"Something like that. Unfortunatly this gives Smith in his betrayer form a distinctive advantage. "
"Your job is to provide the cover for him as he fights."
Hel sighed. "I see. So, now we have to track him down?"
"I know what sector he's been hanging around," said Duncan, "and I got a feeling even as I was travelling here..."
"Then let's move."


Smith looked around at the sparse room Creegan had brought him to.
The walls were metal-lined and bare. An empty op-chair occupied the middle of the room.
"It's an old place I use for emergencies. Do make yourself comfortable."
"I prefer to stand. Thankyou all the same."

"As you wish. Now tell me about yourself. I said I'd never met you before, and yet, part of me still thinks I know you from somewhere."
"That tingling sensation, am I right?"

Creegan's eye's narrowed suspiciously. "Yes. What is this? Have I been infected with something?"
Smith laughed - a deep and chilling sound - "It feels that way, doesn't it?"

He paused, scrutinising Creegan's expression carefully. "Let's just say, that we have similarities, you and I. Past lives."
"I don't recall you from my past."
"Not yet - but when you've been around as long as I have, you'll understand..."

"I've a better idea", Creegan said. He flicked a drone out from his sleeve. Zipping over to the bemused Smith, it hovered with tiny red sparks crackling along its surface. "Why don't you just tell me what you know, NOW." The little device suddenly bristled with numerous tiny blades.

Smith's bemusement turned into outright laughter.
"Gods, man, you'll have to do better than that!!" He raised his hand toward the drone, and his eyes narrowed briefly in concentration.
Before Creegan's startled gaze, the hand morphed into a steely rapier. Before the drone could react, three quick moves dissected it neatly. Watching the blade morph back into his hand, Smith wiggled his fingers. He chuckled in self admiration. "Death gets you strange places", he remarked.

"Betrayer!" Creegan hissed. His eyes darted around, looking to escape.
"Oh that - yes - but don't worry, I have no desire to kill you...yet..."

Through grated teeth, Creegan spoke. "So. What do you want?"
"First, to catch up with an old friend of mine, and then the same thing as you want."
"Which is?"
"To track down the Voice."


Cleo and Duncan were abseiling slowly down the shaft, while Hel and Sarge 'booted down from ledge to ledge above them.

"So, what about Christopher Lambert?"
"What of him?"
"Is he an immortal too?"
"No, he was just an actor - but that's where I got the idea to make a pitch for a TV series from."
"So I guess Sean Connery isn't..."
"No, but he was a brilliant secret agent. To hear him speak, you'd never realise he was the greatest voice mimic of all time. I understand you're pretty good youself..."
"Um - okay, thanks...I think!"

Sarge meanwhile was conversing with Hel.
"Why are we going so damn slowly? We're as exposed as a Dwork platform at this speed."
"This is the area where Duncan said he felt a 'source'."
"I don't like this. Trusting him because he has a 'feeling'? I get them all the time, but that doesn't make me slow down - if anything, ..."

"Voice said it's not quite that simple. It's some sort of physical reaction he has to certain people. He's going slow because he doesn't want to miss it."
"But what would she know about these feelings?"
They looked at each other.

This slow progress continued for a while until Duncan gave a hand signal to stop.
He told Cleo -"Stay where you are. I only detect a weak sensation, but the betrayer influence may be distorting the nature of his quickening - You give the signal to the others, on my word"
"There can be only One, right?"
"Err, something like that - just stay hidden".
She gave him a thumbs-up signal, and grinned.


Duncan picked his way along the dank interior of the tunnel.
There was definitly something odd about the feeling...
As he took a further step forward, a sixth sense and the gentlest ease of a pressure plate was all the warning he had.
A fan of intense laser stream flashed into being where his head has been a nanosecond before, scorching a deep line across the opposite wall.
Two other beams ripped through his calf muscles, dropping him to the ground.
As he lay there grunting in pain, a small hovering light illuminated a garish faced figure.

"So. You must be Duncan".
"Aye - but who's asking?"
"Some call me Creegan. So, tell me - Duncan - have we also met before?"
"Not that I'm aware of."
"Funny. You 'feel' familiar to me."

Creegan ? He seemed to have a very feeble sense... Duncan willed the injured flesh of his calves to mend faster.
Creegan examined his fingernails. "So tell me. What's all this about - really? Strange feelings, the betrayer... now you."
He suddenly grabbed Duncan by the throat. "I know Voice is tied up in this somewhere!"
The quickening feeling began to increase in malevolence.
Was it possible? But Creegan didn't appear to know...

Prodding Duncan's jaw, Creegan continued "You don't seem to have been fitted, yet I'm guessing there's a form of communication at work."
Through gritted teeth, Duncan spoke "The Betrayer you spoke of... - Smith?"

"At your service...."
Smith stepped into the pale light of the tunnel. "Thankyou clown, I'll take it from here."
Creegan bristled visibly.
He stood up and turned to face Smith very slowly.

This domain is mine" he hissed. "I did not invite you here - I tolerated your appearance, and listened to your 'interesting' talk on defense systems, but now you're beginning to get on my nerves!"
He shielded up and leaned right into Smithy's face.
"Leave. Don't think I can't deal with a betrayer like yourself - that would be stupid."
Smith raised a sardonic dark eyebrow. "What is it with you people and your electric - or whatever you call it - shielding?"
He made a swift jerking movement with his arm, and Creegan gasped as a sharp pain bit into his ribs.
Ruefully he looked down to see the morphed blade of Smith's hand withdrawing slowly from his side.
With his other hand, Smith simply gripped Creegan by the throat. "Your precious shielding may be fine against blasters, but nothing gets through like sweet cold steel." He smiled, licking his lips.
"I could end it for you Clownface, right here, right now. But your death would be a distraction that I don't have the time to handle - yet."

As Smithy flung the unfortunate Creegan deep into the tunnel's darkness, the Highlander had got to his feet. He slid his sword out from his coat, with barely a whisper, the blade a dull gleam in the dim light.
Stepping quietly, he approached him, sword at the ready.
But Smithy, swivelling caught and parried the blow. Both hands were blades. With a scissor-like motion, he held up Duncan's blade and booted him squarely in the stomach.
Duncan went with the kick, rolling over backwards and springing to his feet.
Smith was nearly upon him. Ducking, he evaded the heavy blows - He swept Smith's legs out from under him, the betrayer crashed to the ground.
But almost instantaneously, Smith flipped himself back onto his feet.

"Welcome to the 26th century, old man!!"

With that, the fencing of blades began in earnest.
The closeness of the tunnel meant the fighting was up close and intense, and against that boosted betrayer speed, it was all Duncan could do to defend himself. Smith was grinning maniacally.
"How are you finding it, McCleod?!"

Duncan didn't answer.
Amidst the flickering blades, he noticed some piping overhead - it was a risk but - he warded off the arm blades in a double swoop and took the opportunity to leap up and grab them. There was just enough space to twist over the top, and swinging back down he planted both heels firmly into Smith's chest.
Although one of the blades caught him along the thigh, the impact sent Smith hurtling backwards.

Limping forward with the wound, he saw that Smith had been stunned out - his head was at an odd angle against some pilings, and even his blades had turned back into hands.
But it was a ruse - for as he approached, the betrayer's eyes sprang open. The left hand sword morphed into a betrayer gun.
Smithy grinned evilly. "Honour was never one of my weaker points, either."
Duncan twisted aside as he fired, but the blast caught him in the side and he stumbled.

But as he fell, Duncan's voice rose to a roar - "There can be only ONE!"


Hearing these words at the tunnel entrance, Hel looked at Cleo - "That's our signal?"
Cleo grinned "You bet!!"
As they raced to Duncan's defense, Sarge scanned the surroundings - "We better step carefully - I'm detecting defense modules around here..."
They rounded a corner to see the figure of Smith bearing back down on Duncan, who was barely managing to roll away from the energy blasts being emitted.
Hel looked at Sarge.

With their shields up, they sent a volley of plasma fire over Duncan, into the surprised Smith.
Each blast knocked him back down the shaft.
"Hold fire now Hel, we still need him to stay and fight"
Hel motioned to Sarge "Voice says cool it a little"
"We'll have to anyway - he's somehow drained most the power as it is!!"

As Smith came staggering back, he choked - "I'm very disappointed!"
His gun arm had been blasted to smithereens, bits hung limply from his side.
The ruined arm would take too long to regenerate...the other hand formed a sword again.
He dragged the tip of the blade screechingly along the corrugated metal that lined the wall. Small sparks flew from the end. "Put up your guard, you coward!"he snarled "I still have the speed on my side!"
"You never understood, Smithy, it wasn't about speed, it was about going along with the flow."

"Voice, we have no line of sight - Duncan's in the way!" Hel watched in concern as the two duelled it out
"You helped him enough - Smith is too egotistical to resort to a blaster again."
"You hope."
"I have knowledge of his background. He won't do it twice, and he wouldn't have time."
"Hel, we can't help him in any case - there's not enough power left in the cells" Sarge was concerned. "It was as if he were draining our forces."

Duncan sent his sword whistling down through the gap in Smithy's defence - directly in line with his neck.
The blade met with a clanging sound, and bounced off. Smithy crinkled his eyes in a wicked grin!

"Polymorphic alloy!" Sarge spoke in consternation.

"Oh now Duncan! Don't tell me you didn't think of that!!" Smith roared with laughter, and drove his sword arm into Duncan's side.
Duncan rolled off the blade and crashed against the wall.

"What were you thinking, McCleod? That I couldn't morph other parts of me?" Smithy swaggered forward as Duncan stepped falteringly backward along the wall.
"Or were you hoping your little cadets there would blast my head off so that you could slurp up the energy?" He leered at the place where Hel, Sarge and Cleo were crouched. "Too bad they've none left!"

Duncan gritted his teeth and painfully began to lift his blade.
"Oh how heroic!" the betrayer bared his teeth in a rictus of a smile. "Looks like you overestimated yourself this time. More than you can chew." Smithy whipped his sword arm back for the final strike.
Duncan whispered coolly - "Bite this..."
With his sword held across angles above his head, he stepped backwards onto the pressure plate.
The intense beam burst out in its fan shape, bounced off the shiny surface of the blade, and shot through Smithy's throat.
With a surprised expression on his face, Smith stepped forward a couple of times, then keeled over. His head rolled off, neatly cauterised all the way across the neck.

Cleo grinned from ear to ear "Oh yeah baby - there can be only ONE!!!"

Air seemed to stir from nowhere
A howling noise could be heard to rise as wisps of sparking blue electricity scuttled along the sides of the tunnel from the headless betrayer.

"Duncan!" Hel started forward
"Hel, stay back. It's supposed to happen"
Duncan turned - "You might want to hang on to something, this can be kind of intense..."

The first build up of power blasted into him.
The statically charged atmosphere caused everyone's hair to stand on end, what little light there was was flickering madly. The lasers in the wall flared wildly and their lenses shattered. The howling noise from deep in the tunnel grew, as a rush of turbulent air swept upon them.
His eyes tight shut, and his mouth open in a wordless cry, the Highlander sank to his knees. Blue bolts lanced him from all around, as an eerie white light streamed from the corpse of the betrayer to him.
Debris scattered wildly about, and streamed on past them into the shaft itself.
As the light storm slowly faded, Duncan collapsed, exhausted.
The others ran to help him.

"Hel, is he okay?"
Hel checked him over - his eyes opened slowly, he managed a weak smile.
"He's fine, Voice - he just needs a rest."


Meanwhile, in an enclave far down the tunnel where he'd dragged himself, Creegan sat still dazed and weakened. His half roused attention caught by the noises and flickerings of light, in bemusement he had watched as the last couple of errant blue sparks meandered along the roof in his direction.
Almost before he knew it, the sparkings slipped down the wall and went straight through him with a tiny jolt. What the..? He checked. The remainder of his forcefield - still on...

Voices whispered in his head. He felt a little stronger. But for now - time to leave.
...Time... yes. He smiled slowly.


Back in the lab, Duncan was getting ready to leave.
"So what about Creegan?" Hel had a troubled expression on her face.
"I'm not sure. There's been no sign of him in the area since Smith went down." Duncan was solemn.
"I'd hate to think that he was an .."
"So do I. If I feel any sign of him around, I'll let you know."
"I'd appreciate that. I guess Voice would too. How do you know each other, anyway?
Duncan smiled wryly. "She's been keeping an eye out for me for quite some time. Tell her I said thanks. And thank you as well - for all your help."
"All part of the service - Take care. And Duncan -
"I know I know - "
They both spoke - "Don't lose your head.

When he'd gone, Hel wandered over to where Cleo and Sarge were talking.
"Immortal. I don't really understand - who wants to live forever anyway?"
Sarge raised her eyebrows as Cleo muffled a giggle.

Hel looked at her. "What kind of saying was that anyway? I thought it was supposed be One for all."
"This was a rare occasion!" Cleo laughed. She took a deep breath...


The End!

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