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Wow, I haven't made an orginal post in a long time. Well this is my first fanfic ever so be gentle. It is very long so I am typing it about five pages at a time. Here goes!!!

Girl Lost by: helfan

June 09, 2000

General Disclaimer: All characters in the following story are property of RenPics. I'm just having fun! Rated: PG


Hel, Sarge, and Cleo enter the bar wearing new glam outfits coutesy of Cleo's fashion sense and Mauser's sewing machine. Hel is wearing a shiny black halter top with impossibly tight black pants. Her hair hangs down in ringlets down her back. Sarge has her hair in a tight bun and she wears a pink pleated mini skirt (obviously picked out by Cleo) and matching hip boots. Cleo wears a long Cher-like black wig and a lime green mini dress straight from the sixties (1960s that is). The girls take a seat at the bar.

Hel: Mach. Three

Sarge: Not for me. I'll have ale, straight.

Hel: Sarge.

Sarge: What? We're off duty.

Cleo: Can I just have some water please? Oh, not mud for me. Thanks.

A live band enters the stage and begins playing music with a heavy reggae beat.

Cleo: That's my jam!

Cleo grabs Sarge by the arm and leads her to the dance floor.

Cleo: Come on Hel.

Hel shakes her head and motions for them to go ahead. The bartender swaggers over and puts another drink on the counter in front of Hel.

Bartender: Hey Hel. Here's another Mach, on the house.

The Bartender gives Hel a wink and blows her a kiss. Hel pushes a button on her gauntlet and warms up her laser.

Hel: Don't make me use it.

Sarge and Cleo hit the dance floor and start dancing with two studs in plastic hot pants. Cleo looks over at Hel and waves. Hel gives her a half smile. Suddenly there is a commotion coming from the opposite end of the bar. A caramel complexioned girl wearing tattered clothing runs from out of a back room with her long thin braids trailing behind. She also carries a large bag on her shoulder. A series of laser blasts erupt behind her as two betrayer robots emerge from the back room in pursuit. Sarge and Cleo run over to Hel.

Sarge: I guess the break's over.

Sarge charges up her gauntlet.

Cleo: What's going on?

Hel: Two betrayers are chasing an itinerant girl.

Cleo: What's an itinerant?

Sarge fires at one of the betrayers and hits it in the back, thus distracting its attention, for a moment, away from the girl.

Sarge: Betrayers feed off the rants for new prototypes.

The betrayer fires back and the trio dive behind the bar. The crowd in the bar begins to scatter.

Hel: Sarge, take the one on the left and I'll take the other one. Cleo, shield up and get as many people out of the way as possible.

Sarge catiously peers over the bar and signals for Hel to go. Cleo stands up slowly and looks around.

Cleo: Hel look!

Cleo points to the rant girl whose escape has just been blocked by three betrayers who enter through a side shaft door. The girl quickly turns and runs toward the dance floor.

Hel: Dammit!

Hel and Sarge begin firing at the trio of betrayers who now join in the chase of the girl. The betrayers ignore the retaliation from Hel and Sarge and key in soley on the girl.

Voice: Hel, what's happening?

Hel: Five betrayers chasing an itinerant.

Sarge: Something's wrong here.

Hel: What?

Sarge: Why are five betrayers chasing an unarmed girl and totally ignoring us shooting at them?

Voice: Hel, that is odd.

Cleo: She must be important or something.

Hel and Sarge look at each other.

Voice: Hel, get to the girl, see what she knows.

Hel: Sarge, can you distract them so I can get to her?

Sarge stands up and fires and hit a betrayer square in the face.

Sarge: No problem.

Hel: Give me time to get the girl and get out the shaft in the back. After you loose these guys meet me back at the lab.

Sarge: Gotcha.

The girl runs past the bar where the trio is taking cover. She and Hel exchange a quick glance. Cleo taps Hel on the shoulder.

Cleo: What do you want me to do?

Hel: Cleo, we need your fire power. Now do just what we practiced. Fire, then duck. Okay?

Cleo: Okay Hel, but...

Hel jumps up and fires and then runs after the rant girl who runs through the band and exits out of the back door behind the stage.

Cleo: Wait!

Sarge: Come on Cleo, it's now or never!

Cleo takes a deep breath and she and Sarge stand up and begin to assault the betrayers with laser fire. Cleo hits a betrayer in the stomach and knocks him to the ground.

Sarge: Nice shot.

Cleo: Thanks, but I was aiming at his head.

Sarge looks at Cleo and shrugs her shoulders. Sarge looks back and sees Hel go through the back door.

Sarge: Come on. Let's move she's out.

Sarge grabs Cleo by the arms and pushes her toward the front exit of the bar and continues to shoot.

Cleo: They're following us.

Sarge: That's the idea. Now we have to loose them.

Sarge leads Cleo out of the door of the bar and into the shaft. They jump.


Sarge and Cleo fall down the shaft and Sarge continues to shoot toward the bar.

Sarge: Damn, only one followed us.

Cleo: That's good isn't it?

Sarge: No.


Hel runs out of the back exit. She stops herself just before reaching the end of the ledge. It is very dark and dusty. Hel turns the light on her gauntlet on and shines it into the corners of the shaft and down the opening, looking for the girl. She cautiously walks along the ledge searching for the girl. Something moves quickly in the far corner. Hel directs her light toward the shadow and the girl freezes like a deer caught in headlights.

Hel: Don't be frightened. I'm here to help you.

The girl begins to back away and then she suddenly stops.

Girl: Behind you!

Hel turns around quickly and sees four betrayers walking out on to the ledge of the shaft. Hel slowly walks backward toward the girl with her gauntlet aimed at the betrayers. She calmly reaches her hand back to the girl.

Hel: (whispering) Take my hand.

The girl grabs Hel's hand and moves close to her. Hel turns on her shield.

Hel: On three we jump.

All at once the betrayers begin to fire upon the duo perched on the ledge of the shaft.

Hel: Three!

Hel and the girl jump down the shaft in a flurry of betrayer laser fire.


Mauser is standing at the table in the center of the lab working on a weapon of some kind. Sarge and Cleo come flying through the lab entrance.

Sarge: Where's Hel?

Mauser continues to work on the weapon.

Sarge: That's not good.

Mauser drops the weapon and walks over to a console and begins to rapidly push buttons. A hologram map of the underground appears before them.

Sarge: Come on. Where is she?A small, faint dot appears on the hologram map. Mauser: There.

The dot begins to move and then disappears.

Cleo: What happened? Where'd she go?

Mauser: I don't know.

Mauser begins to push more buttons on the console and the map begins to zoom in on the spot where the dot disappeared.

Sarge: That's it. I'm going back to get Hel.

Sarge turns on her gauntlet and runs to the entrance of the lab.


Hel sits on a dark and dirty ledge breathing heavily. The girl is laying on the floor near Hel's feet, not moving. Hel winces and touches her shoulder. She pulls back her hand and it is covered with blood.

Voice: Hel, are you alright?

Hel sits up and crawls over to the girl.

Hel: The girl's been hit. It is too dark to tell where. I think it's her back.

Voice: Hel, you're avoiding the question. Are you alright?

Hel tries to sit the girl up and examine her wound more closely.

Hel: I'll do what I can for her, but tell Mauser to get the healing tube ready.

Voice: Hel, report your condition!

Hel leans the girl against the wall of the shaft and sits beside her.

Hel: (reluctantly) I'm hit. My left shoulder.

Voice: I'll send for Sarge.

Hel: No! It's only a flesh wound and besides, from what I can tell thre are about a half dozen betrayers searching for us now. My shields are gone and the only thing protecting us is my cloaking generator. When it is safe I'll get us back to the lab, just make sure Mauser has the healing tube ready.

Hel shakes the girl gently. The girl comes to slowlyand begins to look around.

Hel: We have to get out of here.

Girl: My bag.

Hel reaches for the bag and puts it in the girl's hand. Hel puts her arm around the girl's neck and the other around her waist.

Hel: Ready?

The girl nods and Hel lifts her to a standing position. The girl cries out softly in pain as Hel slowly assists her to the edge of the ledge. Hel looks around the shaft with her gauntlet light and then casts her web launcher.

Hel: Hold on tight.

The girl grabs Hel around the waist, still gripping the bag, she rests her head on Hel's chest. They begin their ascent.


Mauser is connecting various wire to the healing tube. Cleo is cleaning several pieces of medical equipment and bringing them over to Mauser. Sarge comes flying through the entrance of the lab. She looks at the healing tube and runs over expecting to see Hel.

Cleo walks over to Sarge.

Sarge: Where's Hel?

Cleo: She's not back yet.

Sarge: Then why did you call me back?

Mauser stands up and approaches Sarge.

Mauser: Voice ordered your return. Hel is on her way back with the girl. Both are injured.

Cleo puts her arm around Sarge and rests her head on her shoulder.

Cleo: Don't worry, Voice told Mauser it was only a flesh wound, probably just a scratch. I'm sure she's okay.

Sarge: I know. It's just's my job to make sure she's safe and I wasn't there.

A loud alarm goes off inside the lab.

Alarm: Proximity Alert.

Sarge: That's Hel.

Mauser rushes over to the healing tube and turns it on. Cleo hands Mauser a medical scanner and opens the tube. Sarge rushes to the entrance of the lab and waits. Hel comes flying through the entrance. She collapses with the girl in her arms.

Sarge: Mauser, I need help!

Mauser drops the medical equipment and runs over to help Sarge.

Sarge: I have the girl, get Hel.

Sarge picks up the girl. She is unconscious and the back of her shirt is covered with blood. Mauser starts to pick up Hel.

Hel: (weakly) I'm fine.

Sarge: Don't listen to her Mauser, pick her up.

Mauser picks up Hel and takes her over to the "massage table". Sarge places the girl in the healing tube with Cleo's help.

Sarge: (to Mauser) Switch!

Sarge and Mauser change places. Mauser closes the top of the healing tube and begins to activate the machine. Sarge runs over to Hel and begins to examine the gaping wound on her shoulder with the scanner.Sarge: Yeah right, just a scratch. Cleo get over here!

Cleo, who has been standing in the middle of the room looking flustered, runs over to help Sarge. Hel is in and out of consciousness.,/p>

Cleo: What can I do?

Sarge: We need to sit her up so I can get a good look at her shoulder.

Sarge and Cleo lift Hel to a siting position. Cleo holds her up.

Hel: Leave me and help the girl.

Cleo: She's okay Hel. Mauser is working his magic, just relax.

Hel passes out again on Cleo's shoulder.

Cleo: Hel. Hel? When I said relax I meant take a deep breath or something, not this.

Sarge: She's lost a lot of blood. I'm not sure I can do much more, she needs the healing tube.

Sarge takes out a wad of gauze and begins to wrap it around Hel's shoulder.

Sarge: Lay her down.

Cleo gently lays Hel back down on the table. Sarge hands her the gauze.

Sarge: I need you to put pressure on the would like this.

Sarge demonstrates for Cleo.

Cleo: Got it. I never missed an episode of E.R. You know this reminds me of the time when Lucy...

Sarge turns away from Cleo and runs over to Mauser.

Sarge: How long is she going to take?

Mauser: It's hard to tell. She may have some extensive damage to her back.

Sarge bends dwon to talk to Mauser as if to keep Cleo and Hel from hearing.

Sarge: Hel is real bad. She's loosing a lot of blood and I can't stop the bleeding.

Mauser looks up at Sarge and a rare look of concernand fear comes across his face.

Mauser: Stay here and monitor the girl's vital signs. I'll take a look at Hel.

Mauser gets up and walks over to Hel. Sarge remains at the healing tube. As Mauser approaches Cleo moves back out of his way. He lifts the gauze and examines the wound. Hel moans softly.

Mauser: Cleopatra get me one of the clear vials out of the cooler.

Cleo runs over to a small metal box and picks up a vial. She also brings Mauser a needle.

Cleo: I thought you might need this too.

Mauser: Very insightful Cleopatra.

Cleo: What does that stuff do?

Mauser: It will relieve her of most of the pain until we can get her into the healing tube.

Mauser fills the needle with the clear liquid and injects it into Hel's shoulder. He wraps her shoulder back up with the gauze. Hel opens her eyes slightly. Mauser strokes her hair and Hel closes her eyes again. Cleo walks over to Sarge.

Cleo: Mauser gave her something for the pain.

Sarge stands up and looks over at Hel.

Sarge: I can't stand all this waiting. Hel has already los too much blood. I don't know how long she can last.

Cleo: Don't talk like that Sarge. Think positive.

Sarge: (to herself) It should have been me.

Cleo: What's that?

Sarge: I said to should be me lying there bleeding to death, not Hel.

Cleo: No, I mean what's that?

Cleo points to a flashing blue light on the side panel of the healing tube. Sarge pushes past Cleo and looks at the light.

Sarge: That means she's finished.

Sarge presses several buttons on the panel and opens the top of the healing tube.

Sarge: Mauser, the girl's ready. Let's get Hel in here.

Cleo and Sarge lift the girl out of the healing tube. Mauser carries Hel and puts her in the tube. The girl is lifted to the massage table. Mauser starts the machine and walks over to the table where Cleo is staring at the girl strangely.

Mauser: Cleopatra, what's wrong?

Cleo: Why isn't she waking up?

Mauser: She's experienced significant physcial trauma. She will probably sleep for a while. The healing tube begins to beep loudly. Sarge and Mauser run over to the machine's side panel.

Cleo: What's happening?!

Sarge: It's alright Cleo. We just need to tell the machine what type of blood to give Hel.

Cleo nods her head and directs her attention back to the girl.

Cleo: I'm feeling useless right now. Is it okay if I clean her up, maybe get her something to wear?

Sarge: Knock yourself out.

Cleo: I bet she would look cute in powder blue. I think I have something that would fit her.

Sarge: Whatever Cleo.

Cleo runs out of the room pleased that she could be of some assistance. Sarge and Mauser maintain their constant vigil over Hel.


Sarge and Mauser continue to sit beside the healing tube where Hel is now sleeping. Sarge rests her head in her hands, she nods off. Cleo is standing beside the girl who is still asleep on the massage table. The girl is newly cleaned and dressed in one of Cleo's mini dresses.

Cleo: (to herself) I'm so good. Sarge!

Sarge wakes up suddenly and almost falls out of her chair.

Sarge: (whispering) What Cleo?

Cleo: How does she look? I think I did a great job with the outfit. Shoe! My brown...

Sarge: Shh!

Cleo: What? Oh them? Sarge they have been sleep for over an hour. I have cleaned her, dressed her, and even painted her nails and she hasn't even made a peep.

Mauser stands up quickly and lifts up the top of the healing tube. Sarge and Cleo look at him.

Sarge: What is it Mauser?

Mauser: Hel is waking.

Sarge looks at Cleo.

Cleo: What?

Cleo and Sarge run over to the machine. Mauser helps Hel sit up.

Cleo: Hello sleepy head.

Hel gives Cleo a small smile.

Hel: Hey Cleo.

Sarge: You had us scared.

Sarge gives Hel her hand and she helps her out of the tube. They look at each other and then hug. Cleo joins in the group hug.

Hel: Where's the girl?

Cleo points.

Cleo: She's sleeping. I cleaned her up and gave her some clothes.

Hel: That's nice.

Sarge: What happened out there?

Sarge and Cleo help Hel to a seat. Mauser goes over to the girl and begins to scan her with the diagnostic scanner.

Hel: My shields couldn't take all of the hits from the betrayers and it collapsed. I tried to get us out of the line of fire, but it was too late.

Sarge: I should have come back when I saw that the betrayers didn't follow me.

Hel: No, you did the right thing. You would have only gotten yourself killed.

Sarge: Why didn't you just leave the girl behind?

Hel: Sarge, she was injured. I couldn't just leave her for the betrayers. I guess Cleo's hero speech is starting to get to me after all.

Cleo smiles and kneels down beside Hel. Mauser stares at the girl and tilts his head to the side strangely.

Cleo: Mauser, what's wrong with you?

Hel and Sarge looks at Mauser and then look at each other.

Hel: Mauser.

Mauser: I think she's waking.

Cleo: I got her!

Cleo hops up and races over to the girl. The girl opens her eyes and then lifts her hand up to shield them from the light.

Cleo: Hello. How ya feeling?

The girl looks at Cleo and then looks at Mauser.

Girl: Am I dead?

Cleo: No.

Girl: Good.

The girl tries to sit up.

Cleo: Let me help you.

Girl: Thanks. I remember you, you're one of the women from the club.

Cleo helps the girl to sit up.

Cleo: I'm Cleo and this is Mauser. You're safe here. The girl looks at Mauser strangely.

Cleo: What's wrong?

The girl laughs.

Girl: Nothing. It's just that when I was little I had a cat named Mauser.

Cleo giggles. The girl looks around suddenly.

Girl: Where's the woman that helped me? She was hurt.

Cleo: Calm down. She's the one that brought you here.

Cleo motions for Hel to come over. Sarge helps Hel up and they walk over to the table. The girl has her back to Sarge and Hel. Sarge walks around to the side of the table, next to Cleo.

Cleo: This is Sarge.

Sarge: Hi.

Hel walks around to the other side of the table, next to Mauser.

Cleo: And this is Hel, the one that saved you. Hel and the girl look at each other. Hel's mouth drops open and she grabs a hold of Mauser's arm for balance. The girl looks at Hel, slowly slides off the opposite side of the table, and begins to back away from Hel.

Girl: Look, I don't know who you guys are, but this is not very funny.

Cleo touches the girl on the shoulder and she pulls away.

Cleo: What are you talking about?

Sarge looks over at Hel. Hel is trying to speak, but her words are inaudible. Sarge runs to her side.

Sarge: Hel, talk to me.

The girl turns to Cleo.

Girl: Cleo right?

Cleo nods her head.

Cleo: Yeah.

Girl: You would tell me if I were dead, wouldn't you?

Cleo: You're not dead.

Girl: Then this has to be some kind of betrayer trick. You tapped into my subconscious and now you're re-creating images from my past.

Sarge: Hel, do you know what she's talking about?

Mauser: She may have developed a temporary case of dementia as a result of her physical trauma.

Girl: I am not demented!

The girl points to Mauser.

Girl: First you give this guy my dead cat's name and then you create a holographic image of my dead sister! The girl points to Hel.

Cleo: Okay, now this is getting freaking weird.

Sarge: Hel, do you know her?

Hel manages to stand on her own.

Hel: This can't be happening, you're dead.

Girl: I'm not dead, you're dead!

Cleo tries to approach the girl again.

Cleo: Calm down.

Hel cautiously walks toward the girl.

Hel: I didn't know it was you, it was too dark to see.

The girl is now on the verge of tears.

Girl: (to Cleo) This is really cruel. How could you do this to me? My sister is dead. I saw her fall! I saw my entire family die!

Hel approaches the girl while she is still screaming at Cleo.

Hel: Tala?

Tala: What!

Tala, the girl, turns around and stares up at Hel. Hel begins to cry. Tala reaches out timidly and touches Hel's hair. Hel wipes a tear from Tala's cheek.

Tala: You're real?

Hel: Yes, and so are you.

Tala begins to speak with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Tala: Did daddy...

Hel: No.

The glimmer in Tala's eyes turns to tears.

Hel: Everyone's gone. We're the only ones left.

Hel reaches out to Tala and the sisters embrace.


To be continued....

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