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  Personel Record - Sykes. J.
  Full Name Jeremiah Sykes
  Handle Ras
  Height 6' 3"
  Age 30
  Distinguishing Features Metal Dreadlocks
  Career Solo
  Favoured Weapon Cyborg Cannon
  Quote/Saying What Minigun ?
  Ethnic Origin Jamaican American
  Reputation 6
Personality Profile  
Ras has become a ruthless operator, he is used to working alone but sees the benefits in working with a team (they barely outway the problems).  He expects to be the best in his field, proud of the fact he can stand alone against heavy odds.  He has some belief in voodoo but his recent addiction to cyberwear is ripping his humanity away.  

Brief Personal History

Born and raised on the streets of Night City.  His father died in the riots that birthed Night City and his mother dies in his arms of a wasting disease, while living in a squalid zone apartment.  That was the day Jeremiah died and Ras was born, he joined a gang and rose through the ranks with murderous efficiency.  At 20 he quit the gang to go it alone and became a street solo, with a few contracts under his belt.  Soon Electra; his fixer called and teamed him up with an explosives expert for a job.  The attack on the Triad base went well but they seemed to have picked up 2 Asians 1 male the other female (dead), In the following angry exchange the Asian knocked Ras on his arse and before he could rise and crush his neck the Irish Mick had stepped in and suggested they all team up and work together.  Ras was too tired and injured to argue and gave in.

Current Events

Recent injuries and combat effects have taken their toll on Ras.  he has been adding more and more cyberwear, still trying to blot out the past and distance himself from the world.  His humanity is drying up and soon he may go over the edge, time will tell.  The transformation the 'Tinman' evolved has left Ras with a surplus of Empathy that he had all but lost, coming to terms with his humanity is difficult but he is managing.