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  Personel Record - Ackerman. R.
  Full Name Richard Ackerman
  Handle The Kid
  Height 5' 7"
  Age 21
  Distinguishing Features Flash Clothes
  Career Netrunner
  Favoured Weapon Drone
  Ethnic Origin American
  Reputation 6
Personality Profile  
Richard is a quiet, underconfident youth who displays more confidence than he actually has.  He genuinely likes the 'on the edge' lifestyle, but thinks the food sucks, I mean kibble is basically dog food man!  he is always trying to impress the other team members at every opportunity with his skills in order to gain some real recognition and street rep.  This attitude has caused him to take unnecesary risks  

Brief Personal History

Richard spent his initial years under his parents wing, sent to the best schools and cushioned from reality.  life was safe and boring.  He soon gained an easy sysop position in EBM and life got even duller and more repetetive.  Only in his simsense games did Richard truly come alive, playing the illegal hacker who laughed at danger and brought the evil corps to their knees.  Sadly the games mixed with reality and even with his natural talent Richards lack of experience saw him arrested for data crimes.  He was fined and fired, his parents disowned him, he was out on the street with little savings and no friends. Still he had played the games enough now it was time to try the reality, it could'nt be that different could it?  A fake resume soon saw him joining a fledling group who needed an experienced, skilled netrunner.  Now all he had to do was live upto his screamsheet...  

Current Events

Richard has seen enough death to shock him into reality, the last mission he ran in person was bad enough.  Acting as a career was not on the cards and for the next few missions he had a lot of work to do on his deck, more programs to write etc.  He would help the team from the base but mixing it in person was out for the moment, he had to come to terms with a few things.  Richard has gotten over his recent trauma and has come to terms with his transformation into a 'Wizard' (the name given to the evolved who can interfce without a deck).