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Net 54 Issue 19  
Corporate Rebuild Today saw the beginning of a new era. Many corporations have joined forces in a joint operation to get the rebuilding of America underway. San Francisco, Houston and Denver were chosen as the lucky few who would benefit from this initial wave of rebuilding. The ugly, dangerous combat zones are to be bulldozed to make way for the shining corporate protected zones of tomorrow. All genuine tenants and businesses will be offered generous relocation terms and first pick of living accommodation when the regeneration of the zones are complete. There will be of course those people who will resist this Government backed scheme to rebuild our fair nation, but this group will no doubt be limited to the criminals, malcon t ents, troublemakers and gangs of vermin that infest our fair cities. It is these dregs of society that have dragged parts of their cities down into hell, turning them into the combat zones of today. Well, no more. The Corporate Security Agency will be b acking up the Relocation Bureau as they try to sort the genuine urban poor from the criminal element in order to re house them in safe corporate housing estates. Be warned that security will use whatever force is necessary to get the job done and keep our citizens safe.

Agribusiness Incorporated Agribusiness Concerns, the new mega-corp has incorporated Nebraska. Indiana, Michigan and Ohio have reformed as incorporated states after reaching a compromise with Agribusiness. Most remaining independents view this act as nothing less than selling out to big business, although their citizens would no doubt welcome the protective arm of a giant mega corp to protect them from the ravages that can strike an unprotected 'so called free city/state'. Time will tell which decision was the wisest choice.

Star Wars ? NASA has fresh news in that Mars base has begun the construction of automated factories in Mars orbit. This news comes just after the announcement that the orbital lunar colony 'O'Neil 2' has declared independence. This action will severely damage European business interests due to the dependence upon the lunar mines which are controlled by the colony. The ESA have taken a hard line and are giving the colony 24 hours to revert to Euro Government control or they will take control of the colony by force.

Death of a Hero Unfortunately we are to be the harbingers of bad news. The ace reporter of Night City has passed on to a better place. Edison Carter was killed in the line of duty, he was investigating the financi al records of Ms Brightling with regards to the charge of embezzlement when he was ambushed at an informants flat in the upper zone. A witness spotted the foul deed and informed us by phone we immediately informed the NCPD who are currently investigating . The editor was so upset that he has arranged for a reward of 10,000 to be offered if the murderers are brought to justice. Edison, Net54 will not be the same without you.

Reflected Death Police are still searching for the 'Mirror Man' who's bizarre murders have stumped local law enforcement officers. The latest victim was a beauty consultant from Bodickers, she was found tied at the hands and feet, throat slit in the usual manner. Of course 5 full-length mirrors surrounded her body as usual and obscure diagrams were sprayed onto the floor. The only clue police have is that a man was seen accompanying the victim from a nightclub earlier that night. NCPD are asking that man and any other witnesses to come forward in order that they can eliminate them from their inquiries. This brings the mirror man's slay total to 4, and our reporters have uncovered the fact that a strange taint of ozone was left at each scene so far. This could possibly point to an electrical discharge, possibly from a weapon of some sort.

Share News Biotechnica was in the news today as it announced an upturn in profits this quarter possibly due to its work on the new plague serum. CEO David Whindham was unavailable for comment but a statement from his assistant revealed that he was pleased that the company's work towards the public good had been recognised by the market. Militech shares dropped back a little due to rumours of a gun bounty which would mean a drop in sales due to new legislation and a surfeit of second hand weapons flooding the arms market. Black market activity is on the rise as the trading ban with Europe tightens.

Stacy Hits Town !!!
Yes the construction teams will be heading your way soon to bulldoze those squats and build shiny new homes for all. Stacy our all American construction worker will be on hand to answer any questions.
Today's Shares
Arasaka by   to  
Biotechnica by 00.50 to 24.50
Burger King by   to  
Coca-Cola --- by   to  
Cyberdene Systems by   to  
EBM by   to  
Infocomp by   to  
Liverpool Shipping by   to  
MacDonalds by   to  
Merril, Asuka & Finch by   to  
Militech by 01.00 to 28.30
Mustang Security --- by   to  
Orbital Air by   to  
Pepsi --- by   to  
Petrochem --- by   to  
Raven Microbe by 00.20 to 18.00
SS Inc --- by   to 14.50
Target Research by   to  
Tempel Pharmecuticals --- by   to  
Trauma Team Int by   to  
WNS --- by   to