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Name :
Ryan Daniel Fielder

Birthday :
April 28th 1984

Hobbies :
Computers, Paintball, Watching Movies, Magic The Gathering, Video Games, Watching my neighbors through their windows at 3 in the morning

Favorite Book :
The Stephen King Gunslinger Series

Favorite Bands :
Creed, The Offspring, Our Lady Peace, Chuck Mangione, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Moby

Favorite Movies :
Braveheart, All Starwars Movies, American Beauty, The Lord of the Rings Movies

Favorite Video Games :
Final Fantasy 7, Diablo 2, All Half Life Games excluding Counterstrike, Starcraft, Aerofighters 2, All Metal Slug Games, Knights Of The Round, TMNT 4 : Turtles In Time, Contra 3 : The Alien Wars

Favorite TV Shows :
E.R. (Pronounced...........errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr), The Sopranos, Friends, The Simpsons, Malcolm In The Middle, Martha Stewart Live

Favorite Websites :,,,

The part where I ramble on :
I am 18 years old. I currently am attending the University of Texas at Dallas. Hopefully in a few years I will walk out of there with a degree in Computer Science. Like stated above I am into a lot of things. My number one love is computers and everything related to them. I have always been fascinated with how they work. I also like to play paintball, rollerblade, and I love to watch movies. One day I hope to get a job programming and ultimately get a job programming video games.