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Welcome to my homepage.  I have big plans for this page.  I know I am not the only one who thinks that the internet is becoming WAY too commercial.  Everywhere you go now there are a million pop-up ads.  Sites that used to offer free resources now require payment for a membership.  What used to be the greatest free resources in the world is now turning into a way for the corporate community to earn as much money as possible.  While I know I can not compete with these companies and their version of the internet on a level that will change the world I figure I can do my part by putting up what you see here.  If you have any suggestions or just want to send me hate mail you can click on the e-mail link on the bottom left.


Congress and many big companies (Microsoft, Intel, etc.......) are currently in the works to create a law that enable them to add a tracking device to EVERY processor made. This will eventually (in it's final form) monitor everything you do on the internet as well as provide a list of everything installed on your computer. This is not a joke and is very real. Do not let this bill become a law. Please click on the link below to read about this and also please write your representative in congress and let them know what you think about it.