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CloneEmperor's Star Wars Website

- Daniel P. Burt -

These are my web pages, and I am quite fond of Star Wars. Therefore when the opportunity for me to make a website presented itself, it was quite easy for me to choose a topic. Of course I chose Star Wars, it was the only thing I'm familiar enough with to make several webpages about. I'm new at this whole thing, so please bear with me as I learn the ropes. If you have any helpful, positive feedback, I would appreciate hearing from you. Just use the link available at the bottom of the page.

For now, the majority of these pages will be devoted to reviews of my favorite Star Wars collectibles, and the remainder will be given over to several other topics. The Star Wars Collectibles I will review are:

The other pages are going to be devoted to:

And finally, this front page will be updated occasionally with news regarding the other pages.

- February 28, 2001 - I have updated my Action Fleet section with two new reviews, the TIE Defender and Jabba's Sail Barge. Also added is my Books page. No reviews as yet, but as I need to read each of the books again before I can review them, I will be quite a while until I can have all of them done. I have begun my LEGO page, but it is under construction right now, so please be patient with me.

- February 7, 2001 - Significant changes made to my Action Fleet section. Navigation has been completely changed, and the page has been divided into several pages to avoid the problem of viewing to many images at once. Reviews added to the Action Fleet section: Boba Fett's Slave 1, the Rancor, the TIE Bomber, and Rogue 2 Snowspeeder.

- February 5, 2001 - I have now uploaded my Action Fleet page, and it includes several completed reviews. It is far from complete though so keep coming back regularly to see more as it is slowly completed. I have now completed my reviews for these sets: the B-wing Fighter, and the Millenium Falcon, two of my three favorite sets.

- February 2, 2001 - Well my main page is finally up. At the same time, I uploaded my links page. I am hard at work with school right now, (oh for the day when I'm reach Graduation and can get a good job) and I'm quite busy, so updates are going to be sporadic for now. I currently have a lot of work done on my Action Fleet page, I've started my personal page, and I'm ready to start my LEGO page, so I will probably have some more updates within the next week or two.

To my many friends from Yak's Forum - Collecting LEGO, I am CloneEmperor.


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