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The Fall of the Federation

The Federation fell, ironically enough, due to its strength. After the Dominion War, the Federation was the strongest power in the world. It has alliances or at least peace treaties with all of the major powers on the Quadrant. It easily defeated the Son'a in 2380 and beat back a Breen invasion in 2392. The thousands of ships built for the Dominion War became explorers, and the borders of known space almost doubled in a quarter century. In that quarter century, the Federation added three hundred systems to itself, along with forty from the Cardassians, twenty from the Son'a, and fifteen from the Breen.

The problem was the Federation could not absorb the new members quickly enough and the new members didn't acquire the Federation mindset. Two Federations developed, one of older core worlds and one of the new entries. The core worlds felt too much effort was going to the new worlds as well as too much power, while the new worlds resented not being treated as equals and didn't want their cultures eliminated by Federation entertainment or laws. Despite this conflict in views, the Federation became the most powerful economic group in the area. A boycott against the Ferengi in 2411 bankrupted them and the Federation assimilated entire sectors and freed them from Ferengi domination. Others saw this as a new form of warfare and were threatened.

The end came quickly. In 2417, the Romulans and Klingons withdrew from their alliances with the Federation. The Breen, Tholians, and Son'a quickly followed. These groups formed the Alliance and took an aggressive stance against the Federation. In 2423, the General War started between all powers. It lasted, off and on, until 2447. Billions died, trade routes disappeared, and much of the natural resources of the powers ended as debris. The Federation barely won the war, but the Federation itself fell into civil war from 2443-2451. None of the former members of the Alliance could capitalize on the fall of the Federation and the Quadrant fell into isolation and anarchy. Technologies were lost, shipyards fell apart, and few cared.

History of the Future

Former Federation

Former Empires

New Empires






Mission Briefing