The Sherman was the first ship equipped with a Mark II Quantum Reactor after the war. The reactor is more difficult to maintain, but it does have more power than a typical antimatter reactor. The Stormbird runabouts have the Mark I Quantum Reactor and the Sherman carries eight in its main shuttlebay and twenty in the weapon pod's quick-launch alcoves.
The USS Sherman has the advanced weapons pod, which is five levels of weapons, force field generators, fusion reactors, and quantum torpedo launchers. It also has industrial replicators and a shuttle bay designed to be capable of creating and launching Stormbirds in under an hour.
Length : 452 m
Beam : 560 m
Height : 145 m
Decks : 42 (including pod)
Mass : 4,500,000 tons
Crew :780 including family members
8 x Type X Phaser arrays, total output 32,500
3 x Type III burst fire quantum torpedo tubes
+ 180 torpedoes
50 Tricobalt Torpedoes
Antimatter spread emitter
Defense Systems
High capacity shield system, total capacity
2,849,000 TeraJoules
Standard Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus
14.0 cm High Density armor
High level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TNG Scale)
Normal Cruise : Warp Factor 6
Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 9
Maximum Rated : Warp Factor 9.9 for twelve
Enhanced Weapons Pod
6 X Type II Pulse Cannon, total output 30,000
6 X Type III Burst Fire torpedo tubes + mix
of 1800 torpedoes (1400 photon and 400
High Capacity Shield System, total capacity,
1,200,000 TeraJoules
The USS Sherman uses two separate shield systems. The main system acts as the outer shell and the pod's shield system can act as either a backup system or a second shell that significantly increases shield strength at the cost of lessened warp speed, maneuverability, and a 30% decrease in phaser strength.
The Sherman carries a squadron of Stormbird
fighters. The specs of the Stormbird are as
Cruise Warp: 6
Max Warp: 8.5
Emergency Warp: 9.3 (6 hours)
Crew: 2
Weapons: Two pulse cannons, one standard
torpedo tube with 20 rounds
Defensive Systems: Multiphasic shields,
passive stealth, active sensor jamming