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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Phone calls from the dead

What are phone calls from the dead? This is a phenomenon that occurs to an individual from a close relationship of that person. Usually such phone calls occur within a 24-hour occurrence of the death or some have been known to happen up to 2 years of the death. What happens during these phone calls is that the deceased person needs to contact the living and some how uses their supernatural presence to manipulate the phone circuitry so some how make the phone call.

Usually the phones ring is flat and different from a regular call and there is a lot of static on the line. The voice is recognizable to the person and the phone call is ended abruptly by the line going dead. Sometimes if the person is unaware that the caller has died the phone call may go on for quite sometime.

The reasons for these calls maybe that the caller feels that he or she has some much needed information for the person on the other end. Like in the case of Ida Lupino the movie actress. Shortly after her father’s death she received a phone call from him telling her information about certain papers that she would need to settle his estate. Some calls are made to warn of up coming dangers or as a farewell message to the living. Maybe this person died before he got a chance to say good-bye or maybe the person felt that there was a need to warn the living person about some actions that they were involved in that could lead to their death.

Still other phone calls are made in observance of a holiday, birthday or anniversary. Still other calls are made to bring attention to the persons passing. A girl of 18 was sitting home one night watching TV when the phone rang a few times. She picked up the phone, there was no sound from the phone, and it seemed to have a hollow sound to the open line. Then a small sound of a woman talking came over the line, the voice said “ I will always be there for you, and the line went dead. Later she was to find out that her beloved grandmother had passed at the same moment that the phone rang, her grandmother had always promised her that she would always be there for the young woman. Was this a message from her grandmother? Or had the phone call just been crossed wires and the young woman imagined the message?

Many people do not take much stock in these phone calls. They believe that its hallucinations on the part of the receiver or maybe just an over whelming desire to talk to the deceased one last time. Still other callers believe that these are tricks played on humans by evil spirits creating misery for them.

These calls can go in reverse too, a person can make a call to another person unaware that they have passed and talk to them normally and later find out that the recipient is all ready dead at the time of the call. There have been many cases of adult children calling their parents and talking to them in a normal manner and finding out later that these parents have been deceased. One young woman from California had this urgent feeling to call her father who lived alone in Maine. She dialed his number sure that something was wrong with him, but was relieved to find out that he was fine. They carried on a conversation for quite sometime and ended with her father telling her he never felt better in his life. Later that day the state police called to tell her that there had been a terrible ice storm in Maine the night before and her father had slipped and fell and hit his head. The state police told her that he had died immediately upon falling and had lain out in the ice storm for nearly 24 hours until he was found a short while ago by the mail person.

The woman could not believe that because she had only two hours prior talked to her father on the phone, slowly she realized that she must have spoken to her father’s spirit rather than her father.

In the 1940s Thomas Edison attempted to work on a telephone that he hoped might contact the dead, he called it the psychic telephone. He never finished it.


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