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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Devil Gets It's Due....Temporarily

This April we got a call from two people in different areas of the country that were wrestling with demonic onslaught. These woman's problems were caused by a curse put on each, one being a Santeria curse and the other from her husband in Haiti. Each woman was suffering in similar ways, so we decided to see each within a week of each other.

Sometimes when you have things all figured out and life seems to be good things have a way of changing. A few days after we prayed with the woman with the curse from Haiti we had gone to morning mass for lent. One of our friends was having surgery that morning and we walked with her over to her son's truck to wish her well.

We had only stopped there a few seconds when we all heard a car revive up its engine. This was almost as if the driver was disturbed that we were standing there. We don't really remember too much of what happened after we heard the engine. We do remember flying through the air and landing 15 feet from where we had just a moment ago stood.

Debbie was lying on the ground with the woman next to her unconscious, meanwhile Larry was caught under the car and was dragged 50 feet as the car ran over him three times. Everyone was severely hurt and were all rushed to the hospital.

Once there all were evaluated and either released or hospitalized, the most critical was Larry, whom the doctor's did not expect to live. Thanks to God he did live and made remarkable recovery and all of us are doing very well today after almost two months.

At first we thought it was a freak accident but we soon found out what this accident had to do with our previous two cases. The woman that had the Santeria curse put on her the night before our accident dreamed that Larry was in a terrible car accident and injured badly. She also dreamed about the second woman, whom she did not know or did not know we were praying with her, either.

Another researcher from another state also had a dream about Larry being in an accident on school property. There is in fact the church's school right across the street from where we were hit. These two individuals believe that this was an attack by the devil. That could explain why Larry was run over three times as an insult to the Holy Trinity.

Since this accident many have asked us if we are going to continue to work in this deliverance ministry and we can say yes we will. We do believe that yes this was an attack by demonic forces, but God saved us from death, so we believe that we must be doing the work that God wants us to, so we will continue.


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