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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The "Bad Life"

Because of the age of the child all names and places are kept confidential.


Not too long ago a young mother of a 5-year-old child contacted us in hopes of finding some help with the nightmares that her young child was having. The child had been to many psychiatrists and had much diagnosis as to what was causing this child so much distress.


The mother related that about 2 years previous when the child was 3 the grandfather came into the child’s life. This grandfather doted on the child giving as much as possible in the way of gifts and love. The grandfather even went so far as to not want the parents to discipline the child in any way.


During the grandfather’s visits the child would run around like a wild animal screaming and yelling pure hatred towards the parents. The grandfather would allow the child to play with knives and began to teach him a thing that the child told the parents was a secret between the grandfather and the child. The child became more and more unruly and seemed only to answer to the grandfather. The grandfather in turn turned on the parents for any form of discipline that they invoked on the child. Things began to get out of hand with the grandfather and the parents looked for a way to keep the grandfather away from their child.                


 The parents both had to work during the day, although the grandfather asked to watch the child while the parents worked, the parents decided it would be best to have the child attend a day care center close by their home.


The child developed many strange ailments, such as tuberculosis, scarlet fever and other strange illness that would leave the child in a catatonic state for days.  The child was in and out of the hospital quite often during the school year. The parents felt that since this was a daycare that had many children from all over the world that this is why their child had picked up such illness not associated with the average child. One day the grandfather came to the day care and picked up the child. They were gone for many hours until finally the grandfather brought the child back home without an explanation as to where they had been. This was the last straw for the parents they forbade the grandfather from having any contact with the child and notified the authorities.


At this same time the child began to have nightmares about a being that called itself the “Bad Life”. This being would show the child many things about life and the bad times associated with it. It began to tell the child that it owned this child’s life and that the child should be grateful for being picked from so many other children on earth.


The being also told the child that it intended to do away with the child’s parents as they were in the way of the child having a “gifted” life that only the bad life could give. The “Bad Life” would show the child, during the nightmares, how at one time the being was an angel in heaven, but that this angel had been kicked out of heaven for being bad and had been sent to hell as punishment.


At first the “Bad Life” only came to the child while sleeping, but soon the child could see the bad life during school, on the school bus, while watching television even at play. When the “Bad Life” would be contacting the child, the child’s eyes would get all glassy staring straight ahead with a frightened look on the face. During these episodes no one could bring the child out of it.


Now in kindergarten the episodes with the “Bad Life” became more and more prevalent and the teacher began to notice the effects that it had on the child. Also during this time the child would fly into what the teacher described as fit like rages, where it seemed as if the child was an animal in a cage trying to get out.  The child started to beat up on the other students in the class. The child began to tell the teacher and classmates about the “Bad Life” and the nightmares.


School officials met with the parents suggesting that they seek help for the child with the school psychologist. After the initial interview the psychologist said that the child was schizophrenic and needed to be put on medication to alleviate the symptoms.


Not happy with the findings of the psychologist the parents took their child to many psychiatrists in hopes of finding an answer to the bizarre behavior of their child. But, with each new psychiatrist there came a different diagnosis and a different medication and still their child grew worse instead of better. 



One psychiatrist, after the child told him about the “Bad Life” and the story that it was an angel kicked out of heaven, felt that the child was imitating what was said at home and on the school bus and using it as a means to act out aggressions towards the other students. The parents, who had no faith based religion, assured the doctor that they had never discussed angels with their child. Still the psychiatrist was sure that the child had heard about the descent of angels on the school bus or home, possibly in a cartoon or some show. Being five years old the parents found it hard to believe that other children the same age would be discussing the damnation of the angels from heaven on the school bus or even at school. But still the psychiatrist denied that some being that calls itself the “Bad Life” was responsible for telling the child these things.


One day at school the child had an episode that was so violent and left the child in a catatonic state that the teacher could not bring him out of, nor after calling the parents they could not bring the child out of it. Usually when the child had an episode at school the teacher could call his name and he would snap right back, but this time was different. The episode had caused the child to twitch and shake uncontrollably and as it progressed moans and grunts could be heard coming from the child, eventually the child slumped forward onto the desk and foam came from the mouth. The teacher tried to get the child to respond several times during the episode, but after the child began to twitch and moan the school nurse was called as well as the principal. They removed the child to the nurse’s office where they awaited the parents; by this time the child had stopped the violent twitching and shaking and had become silent. The child seemed to be in a catatonic state, staring straight ahead with glazed eyes that seemed fixed on something that remained unseen to everyone but the child.  This episode was so violent and the child remained too long in a catatonic state that it required the parents to place their child in a mental hospital for a few weeks. Still the child continued to have the episodes that became more and more prevalent.  The child was placed on medication and the hospital sent the child home to be seen as an outpatient over the next couple of months.


Although the parents continued to give their child the medication, they still looked for an alternative to their child problem. Not having a church that they attended they began their search on the Internet in hopes of finding someone to help with their problem. This is how they got in touch with us at the Aware Foundation.


After the parents contacted us we made arrangements to travel to their home to see what we could do to help the whole family especially the child.


We arrived at the family’s home and met the child, whom seemed to be a very bright child and very inquisitive. I explained why we were there, the parents had not told he child anything about our visit. The child listened to what I was telling him about our work helping other children to get rid of the “Bad Life”, and seemed to be relieved to hear that we could help him get rid of the nightmare that had invaded this young life.



The parents had explained to us since coming home from the hospital three weeks previous the child had not talked about the “Bad Life”, the parents did not know if it was because the “Bad Life” was hiding from them or if the child was afraid to talk about the “Bad Life”. They had explained that they felt that it had not left their child because the mother had witnessed an episode when the child slept.


That episode had happened just a few days before we arrived at their house, the child was asleep in the bedroom and the mother had gotten up, as she did every night to check on the sleeping child, she could see in the dimly lit room her child tossing and turning in sleep. As she got nearer to the bed, the child began to speak not in the small child voice but in a deep gravely voice that sent shivers through the mother as she bent towards the sleeping form.


The voice told the mother that it intended to have the child as it’s own and that no one could save this child from it’s hellish grip. It went on to say that it would destroy anyone that got in its way, the parents or anyone who tired to help this child. Upon hearing this the mother uttered a startled gasp and the child turned it’s head in the direction of the mother, but instead of her sweet child’s face in it’s place was a very demonic face that had sores that oozed puss and where once was the sweet mouth of a young child was replaced by something that resembled a mouth with razor sharp teeth behind blue cracked lips. This frightened the mother so badly that she fled the room calling her husband to come quickly to their child’s room. The father seeing the state that his wife was in ran into the child’s room expecting to find the worse, but all he found was a sleeping child no sign of the demonic face that had frightened his wife a few seconds before.


The mother told the father all that had happened, he found it hard to believe but he agreed with his wife that something was wrong with their only child something much more than a mental disorder. And so he agreed to seek outside help.


After hearing this we started to pray with the family, telling the young child that if the “Bad Life” said anything to him during the prayers he was to let us know. The child sat next to me on the couch as Rev. Larry prayed over the small frame. Soon the child told me that the “Bad Life” was growling and claiming that it would never leave, that it loved the small tyke. I told the child that the entity must leave and that the child must tell it to go. With the voice far beyond its years the child yelled for the evil entity to leave it alone, in Jesus’ name. Soon all became quiet and the “Bad Life” seemed to have left the child.


Rev. Larry, as an ordained priest also baptized the child, because the child had not been previously baptized and the parents wished it, even the child was eager to be baptized.

As Rev. Larry performed the baptism ceremony over the child all was quiet, but we cautioned both parents that all though things seemed to be quiet now, the entity could in fact return seeking to regain what it had lost, so not to get discouraged that the whole process had not worked.


We soon left and made our two day journey home. About twelve hours from home our car began to act strangely. As we went through a tollbooth it seemed to back fire and sputter as if it to stall. Only keeping on foot on the brake and one on the gas seemed to keep the car moving through the tollbooth.


As we continued up the highway the car began to go slower and slower no matter how much gas the car was given, finally I managed to pull over the side of the road. The car stalled and would not start. We waited and called road service, but they were no help, first they could not determine where we were, even though we had given them the mile marker number, finally they figured out where we had stalled and sent out a tow truck.


The man that got out of the truck resembled something from the movie “Deliverance” that starred Burt Reynolds, and was about a group of men camping in the back woods and running into a group of mountain men that caused them nothing but trouble. Well this tow truck driver got out of his truck and seeing that we owned a foreign car announced that he did not work on any foreign cars and turned and got back in the truck and drove away.


Lucky we were able to start the car up again and made it about a hundred more miles until it again died on the side of the road. On this stretch of the highway, State Police patrol and will not let any disabled vehicles stand too long. So soon an officer arrived and called a tow truck for us, but before that he asked me to try and turn over the engine, which I did but it would not start. The officer said he felt that the car was flooded by the sounds of the engine. He told us to give it a little while, as it would take over a half an hour for the truck to get to us, and to see if it would start again.


We waited by the side of the road and would try to start the car, but all it would do was grind away not wanting to catch. When the tow truck got there we got out of the car and noticed a huge pool of gas under our car! The tow truck operator felt that we had ruptured our gas line and he told us we were lucky that we had not ignited a spark trying to turn over the engine. This was only the beginning of the strange occurrences that happened to our car on the way home.


The garage was closed until Monday, but we were lucky to get a rental car to continue our homeward journey. We left all the information on the car with the tow truck driver so that the service station could check out the car.


Monday morning brought a call from the service station, the automotive tech said that he had looked over our car and was astonished to find the complete exhaust system from the front of the car to the back filled with gasoline, he said that the good Lord must have been looking out for us as with my constant trying to restart the car would have surely caused the car to become a fire ball.


The problem was that he could not figure out how the gasoline got into the exhaust system, as there was no sign of a ruptured gas line. So he would call us back when he found the source. A few hours later he did indeed call back and told us that he had also found that the pistons, the sparkplugs, the oil, basically the whole engine was filled with gasoline and that he had to basically rebuild the whole engine in order to get the car to start. He also told us that his whole service station had been flooded with the fuel from our engine.


In the end our engine required three complete oil changes to get all the gas out of it, new spark plugs and wires, and many of the other components had to be replaced and cleaned, the tech said he had never seen a car with this problem and could not find anything that would have caused this to happen. We were able to get the car in about a week and it ran beautifully.


After our ordeal of getting home, I contacted the parents of the child; they had some distressing and happy news for us. The day after we left things began to get worse for their child, fearful they had him admitted to a mental hospital. There they tried some new meds and the child seemed better, the mother was allowed to take the child out in public to see how the child would handle a crowd.


She took her child to a fast food restaurant near the hospital; it was very crowded that day. So crowded that a man and woman seemed almost to have to sit on the mother and child’s lap as they ate their lunch. They struck up a conversation and then abruptly left, that’s when the mother noticed that her wallet was missing.


Frantic she told the manager everything about the hospital, the “Bad Life”, the exorcism, the couple, everything. There was not much that the manager could do, so the mother went back to her child.


A few minutes later a man approached them and said he was a minister and that he had heard all that the woman had said, and that he would like to pray over her child right there in the middle of the fast food place, which he did. After the prayer he left, but there seemed to be a peace around the child and around the mother as well.


She was able to take her child home and she is happy to report that the “Bad Life” has not returned and that her child is doing well. The medications have stopped and the child seems to be able to maintain a normal life as a normal child.


The mother as well as we believes that the “minister” was more than likely an angel sent to help this child get rid of the last remnants of the “Bad Life”. All angels are ministers and but sometimes ministers can be angels in disguise.


We also believe that the “Bad Life” tried its best to cause us harm through our car just because we prayed for this child, but that something more powerful saved us.


This case would not be the first or last time that the evil would try and stop us from doing what we feel God wants us to do, nor would it be the first or last time that God would prevent us from being stopped from doing our work in deliverance either.


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