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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Manitoba Mayhem

A woman from Manitoba Canada emailed us about disturbing happenings in her home. She had gone to see a famous psychic about contacting her deceased mother. The psychic told her to put a taper recorder on during the night in order to make contact with her mom. Well, indeed the woman had made contact all right, but it was not her mother's voice that she heard the next morning when she played back the tape. The voice was an English male voice that sent chills through the woman. The voice said over and over again "It smells lovely up close."

Frightened and a little curious the woman set up the recorder the next night and again she got a voice but not that of her mother. At first the recorder had sounds of giggling laughter, and then there was this raspy voice that said "damn pixies" over and over. Also on the recorder there was the English man's voice that said what sounded like "catharsis".

Still curious and eager to hear her mother's voice she again set up the recorder the very next night. This time it sounded like their poor dog was being tortured; they could hear the agonizing howls upon playing it back in the morning. This time the woman was very frightened and stopped taping, but unfortunately the damage was done, the door was opened.

The very next night her daughter began to see a shadow moving down the hall towards her mom's bedroom. Her middle son saw an ancient Chinese man reclining on his mother's bed. Everyone became uneasy in the house. There were tapes and knockings, things became misplaced, and everyone was tired and angry. The kids began to fight something that they rarely did and their schoolwork began to suffer. Even family members that visited and stayed in the house for any length of time began to feel the effects of the house.

We made arrangements to go to Canada and help the woman. As we arrived at the house we saw that the sky was getting dark, the radio was predicting a severe thunderstorm for the area. What a perfect backdrop for our investigation of this reported haunted house and an even more perfect effect to the planned exorcism. A very anxious and frightened family greeted us and ushered us into their living room.

We sat and asked questions to each one of the 6 people that were gathered there, each one had the same tale to tell us about the dark shadows, the knockings and the misplaced items. The youngest daughter was also attacked by the entity the night before, her navel was pierced by something and in the morning clear liquid was oozing from it. Her mother took her to the doctor who ruled it a bug bite. The girl denied feeling anything but her cousin who was staying with them witnessed her sitting straight up in bed staring straight ahead, the girl does not remember a dream or do that.

Larry decided to exorcise everyone, not because we felt that any one person was the target as of yet, we just felt that it would be the best thing to do as Manitoba is so far from us. So we set about exorcising everyone that wanted an exorcism, just then the worst thunderstorm that I have seen in a while broke over our heads.

As Larry was praying over the first person, I noticed the dog looking up at the stairs, I looked and there on the stairs was this gray blob. I stared at it and noticed that it began to look like a person standing there, it was all hunched over and I could not make out the face, but I noticed that it had long tapered fingers that it rested on the banister. Suddenly the oldest daughter became all agitated and she started to become hysterical crying, "I see its hands." I then decided to move over to the stairs.

I sat about half way up the stairs and the thing seemed to move to the top by the bathroom. I kept my camcorder trained on the stop that I felt the entity at. The dog moved up with me, he seemed to become increasingly agitated. Suddenly he charged past me and down the hall towards one of the back bedrooms. I got up and followed.

I could see a shadow between the two rooms, and I could not see where the dog had gone. Suddenly out of his mistress' room the dog charged straight for me, barking and growling. He came running down the hall and attacked me, leaping onto me scratching, snapping and growling at me. I tried in vain to push him away but he kept coming back at me, finally I yelled for help and someone came and got the dog and brought him downstairs.

They all asked if I was all right and I assured them that I was and that I would be all right upstairs by myself. I decided to go into the back bedroom where the dog had come from to see what I could feel in that room.

Once in that room, I suddenly got the feeling that maybe I should not be in that room by myself, but I could not leave. I continued to have the camcorder running and soon I was able to back from that room. I then decided to join everyone else downstairs.

The thunderstorm was really bad while all of this was going on, it gave the already oppressive house an even more sinister glow about it. I made my way to the couch opposite where Larry was doing the exorcisms.

No one that was exorcised was being effected and they all sat quietly while Larry prayed. But the house was not as quiet, there were the sounds of walking in the kitchen, cold spots would erupt simultaneously around us, the dog would stare off and watch some unseen entity walking about.

One of the kids went outside and came back in all excited they had witnessed red lightening over their house. But soon every thing became quiet, the air in the house that when we first arrived seemed like we had just walked into a bar where there had been too many smokers, now seemed clear and fresher. The storm stopped and the dog quieted down.

Larry finished up praying over the people and then he said the house exorcism prayer. Everyone commented on how much better they felt that their energy seemed to be returning. We cautioned them about taping anymore and about not talking about what had happened amongst themselves, we wanted to make sure they would not give this thing anymore recognition than they already had. Everyone assured us that they wouldn't and we left for home.

We have not heard from the family but we believe that all is well. Sometimes after these things are all over, people never contact us, but we always say that no news is good news.

Updated 9/26/02

We were able to finally contact the woman from Manitoba Canada about how things were after our visit.

She had contacted a famous psychic about contacting her mother and was told to tape the house and ask it questions. Well, she got answers to her questions but they were not from her mother, it was demonic. Soon after things began to happen to all in the family. We prayed over everyone and the house during a very bad thunder storm, immediately everyone said that they noticed a difference.

After we left everyone admitted that they were nervous and that they all tried not to concentrate too much on what had happened. So everyone settled down and tried to sleep.

The woman said that she was awakened in the middle of the night with the feeling of a presence in her room, she felt something get on her bed and felt pressure of hands on her, then her night gown was shredded. She scrambled out of bed and turned on her light to find herself alone. She did not sleep the rest of the night. Her oldest daughter was frightened but reported no paranormal events.

We had told the woman that things might escalate after we left but that they would die down and eventually go away.

That is exactly what happened and slowly she and her daughter learned to relax in the house and to believe that things were gone for good.


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