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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Phantom Driver

Back in the early part of last year we got a case to go on with another group. I was not concerned, as I was not going to have any major role to play in the case, as it was not an Aware case. So I was not going to have direct contact with the people in this house. Larry was going to do the exorcism and I was going to observe.

Our house was quiet; there were no bangs or knocks. There was no ghost lights or growls and I was not being attacked. So I really didn't give it too much of a thought to any danger.

I was on the highway alone one night just before we were to leave and I noticed this car keeping up with me. At first I thought that it might be a policeman, as my brakes were bad in my car, thinking that possibly he had heard them as I got onto the entrance ramp. So I kept my speed the same, tried to remain calm and to think of a good excuse for the officer why my brakes made such a noise.

After a while the car pulled up even alongside with me and I glanced over, half expecting to see a police car. But I didn't, this car was an older make. As I looked at the interior, I could see in as the dashboard light illuminated the interior of the front seat.

At first I could not believe what I was seeing. There was no driver, but there was a passenger and he looked at me. At that moment I found myself staring into the face of Satan. He grinned at me and I said "Holy Jesus" and immediately the car took off at a high rate of speed. As I rounded the corner I noticed it had vanished from sight.

I was shaken but all right. I am happy to say that the case was a success and that I have not seen that driver-less car or its evil passenger since.


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