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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



Cemeteries can speak to you, through the stones, or sometimes through spirits that inhabit them. These cemeteries hold the decaying bodies of people and family and friends come and give recognition to them by talking of days gone by, wishing that they were with them once again, how much they are missed and to even decorate the graves with things that the deceased loved and cared about. All this gives recognition to the spirit and with this recognition they are able to gain the energy needed to manifest themselves. Many times these people died under tragic circumstances or with something left unfinished. All though cemeteries seem calm and barren to the ordinary eye, to a person that is sensitive they are a very active location. So many eras superimposed over each other. A sensitive person might become aware of soldiers from World War One and Two, women in old fashioned dresses from the turn of the last century, and men in many different style suits and even children at play.

Many times Larry and I have driven by a cemetery and had a spirit call to us to come and help them, sometimes they can be very persistent.
One such occurrence happened as we drove on the interstate in Southern Connecticut one evening at twilight.

We could see a cemetery just off the exit as we drove by. The setting sun gave the tombstones an almost ghostly appearance, but that was not what caught my attention to it. I heard someone call to me as we drove past, I did not tell Larry about it so we kept driving. I again heard someone call me, this time it was louder, still I ignored the voice, but this spirit was unrelenting, he continued to call until finally he got into the car with us. Even Larry felt an oppressive heavy feeling that seemed to envelope the car's interior. Needless to say we got off at the next exit and we went back to the cemetery.

On the drive back the spirit communicated to me that his name was Angus Stanton and that he was worried about his wife. He told me that he was very angry that he had passed and had to leave his wife behind. He made sure that I knew that he was angry at God for taking him at such an early age and leaving his young wife alone to raise their children. But now his wife too had passed, he was worried that by his being mad at God he would never be with her again. He desperately wanted God to forgive him so that he could be reunited with his wife once more.

Angus led us to his grave and we noticed that he was indeed a young man when he passed he was only 35 years of age and that he had been dead since the early 1940s. We also noticed that his wife, Camille, had passed in the mid 70s, in the spirit realm time is nothing, what is many years to us is but seconds to them, so this is why Angus told us that his wife had just passed, for him, for us she had been dead over 20 years.

As Larry took out a prayer book and began to pray for Angus' soul, I tired to assure him that God had indeed forgiven him. Soon I saw this very dazzling pinpoint of light, that grew larger and brighter as Larry continued to pray.

The cemetery grew silent and still, no sound could be heard, not even the sound of the traffic going by on the interstate. For a brief moment all I could see was the bright light, which still seemed to grow larger and brighter. Slowly I began to see a shape of a woman as she stepped out of the light. She told me her name was Camille Stanton and that she was here to show her husband, Angus the way to the light. At that moment I knew that God had indeed forgiven Angus for his anger. After all isn't God our father who loves each and every one of us and isn't he ready to forgive us for anything as long as we are truly sorry?

The last time that I saw Angus and Camille, the two of them were walking hand in hand into the light, just as the light slowly disappeared. The heavy oppressive air began to lift in the car and soon everything returned to normal, once again the sound of the highway and the crickets could be heard.

We left the cemetery and resumed our journey.


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