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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



A Confrontation with a Demon

Late last October Larry and I were called to a house not too far away from our own. A young woman was afraid to open her eyes, because every time she opened her eyes she would see a demon glaring at her with such an evil menacing look that it frightened her. When we arrived she was sitting in her chair head bowed and her eyes shut tight, clutching a rosary tightly to her chest. She was swaying back and forth slowly as if to keep what ever was assaulting her away from her.

I went over to her, while Larry vested up and got out his prayer book. I gently touched her shoulder as not to scare her, she moaned softly and told me that she was afraid to open her eyes that every time she did the awful dark thing would scoff at her and threaten her. I explained to her what we were going to do and we began. The poor woman was under so much torment that I did not even ask her any questions as to what was going on. Plus I could feel the horrible evil that was around us.

As Larry began to pray the demon made itself known. It was a vile smelling creature that made me gag and cover my mouth. The woman asked me softly "Do you smell that?" I assured her I did and that seemed to help her. I soon began to see the entity, it was very tall about seven feet and it was all in black. It resembled a very tall thin man. This black hood covered the head and the creature gave off this feeling of anger. It was angry with the woman because she had brought us there to get rid of it. It vowed to get revenge on her and her children for her having caused it to have all this torment.

This frightened her and almost caused her to stop the whole proceedings, but we convinced her to go on with it. Her small granddaughter was in the kitchen being fed by the woman's mother. The woman kept asking me if the baby was all right. I kept looking in the kitchen to see and the baby looked fine.

Suddenly the woman said to me "Oh no its after the baby" I could hear the child begin to wine, and I saw the thing go out towards the child.

I thought to myself, "Damn you pick on someone your own size." I was that angry at the entity. As I thought those words I felt something come over me and I went into an asthma attack. I thought to myself oh no you don't as I reached for my inhaler, and as I took a puff I mentally thought take that you damn demon, her is a squirt of Holy water. Well my asthma attack stopped as quickly as it came and all seemed well.

Soon the woman was able to open her eyes; she said she still saw the demon but that he was only inches tall and seemed to be shrinking as she watched. The baby was fine too she was in her high chair playing with some toys. Everything felt wonderful, the woman, the baby and the house. We got our things together to leave and were making our good-byes. I was ahead of Larry just reaching for the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder, thinking it was Larry at first I didn't think much of it. Suddenly the door flew open I felt something grab my left ankle and yank it straight up and out the door I flew landing on the stairs in a heap. Everyone was so shocked including me. I lay there trying to figure out what had happened. I also thought that my leg was broken, but lucky for me I was just bruised and scrapped. I managed to get to the car and get home.

On the way home Larry asked me what had happened, I confessed to challenging the demon to pick on someone its size which it did, something that I knew I should not have done. I knew better than to let my emotions get in the way, I was lucky I could have been hurt worse than I was.

The demon is gone and from time to time we go to this woman's house to pray with her as she is gravely ill and has months to live. She wants to make sure that when she does pass there are no demons waiting to grab her as she dies.


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