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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



The Faith of a Small Child

A very distraught mother contacted us late last year about her four year old little girl. The child was having trouble sleeping claiming that there were ghosts coming into her room at night. This child would see spirits that would come with dry leaves rustling around their feet. This would scare the child so much that she would sleep with the covers over her head. In the morning her hair would be so matted from holding the covers tightly over her head that the mother would have a difficult time trying to brush her hair.

Both parents had stayed up with the child in her room, but neither one had seen anything.

The mother called us in hopes that we could offer a suggestion as to how to help her daughter at night. The family was very religious and the little girl knew all about Jesus, so I suggested that they have the child say in a loud voice "Jesus says go!" a simple command.

The family had the child do this each night where the ghosts would come into her room the child would lay a cross down there and in a loud voice say "Jesus says go!"

The mother reports that the child does not see anymore spirits and does not sleep with the covers over her head anymore.

All is quiet.


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