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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Gambler

I know this story seems far fetched especially the part of being hit by the same semi three times in one day but it's true.


Dave Simmons was an ordinary man, who thought that his run of bad luck was just that bad luck, he never expected that any thing demonic was responsible for what he was going through.


Dave had grown up in a family of five; he was the middle child with two older brothers and two younger sisters. In addition, being a middle child Dave just figured that statistics was against him. His parents were hard drinkers and most weekends both parents were drunk, as he grew into adult hood he began to drink just as they did.


Dave married right out of college but this marriage was not to last long, his young wife could not take the drunken binges that began on Friday night and would end on Monday morning when he left for work, soon they divorced.


Crushed by the divorce Dave sought help for his addiction to alcohol through Alcoholics Anonymous or AA. Through a program Dave found that he did not have to depend on Alcohol to get him through the weekends, slowly he began to stop drinking. This was fine except that he began to replace his drinking with gambling at the local casino, every Friday he would take a portion of his pay and gamble all weekend long.


At first Dave was very lucky with his gambling he actually was making money and with this run of “luck” he began to gamble more and more of his pay. Soon he was gambling all of his pay away. Oh, he still made some money but not as much as he originally had.


At work he had met a woman that he was interested in and who was interested in Dave, she and he began a relationship and they eventually moved in together. Susan had her own home and was more than happy to share it with Dave. He had kept the fact that he had this gambling problem from her.


At first, Dave refused to give into his need to gamble and he actually stayed away from the casino. He and Susan seemed happy together. He had a good job as a manager for a local company, so he was on the road a lot during the day but home at night. He felt that perhaps his luck was improving once again.


One day he was driving along his usual route and a semi truck plowed into his car pushing him to the side of the road, but not causing him any injuries and minimal damage to the car, so he drove on to finish his route. A short while later in the morning he was again in his car driving to another location when he stopped at a light and he was rear ended by a semi truck, the same semi truck that had pushed him off the road previously. Once again, he was not injured and there was minimal damage to the car, so he continued to finish his route.


As he finished up his route and was on his way home he was driving across an expansion bridge in heavy traffic, just before he reached the end of the bridge he was once again hit and pushed toward the side of the bridge. However, this time there was a lot of damage to his car. He was injured this time and needed to stay in the hospital over night. The strange thing was that he was hit by a semi truck, the same semi that had hit his two times before that same day.


After he had recovered at home, Dave once again began to gamble his pay and this time he began to steal money from Susan, concerned over what was going on with Dave, she began to talk with him and to try and find out what was going on with him.


She found out that there was a lot of abuse of alcohol, drugs and gambling in Dave’s family and it seemed to go on for generations. She began to research generational curses and felt sure that this is what Dave was experiencing.


Susan got in touch with us at Aware to ask if this was possible, which we assured her it was, so we made arrangements to meet with her and Dave at their home.


At first, Dave was very skeptical about what was really causing his run of bad luck, but as he related the background story of his life, a pattern began to emerge of chronic abuse and very bad luck in his family. He began to see that it was possible that there was some kind of generational curse working through his family, making it impossible for any one of them to get out of the misery that their lives had become.


As a teenager Dave had gotten himself involved in drugs, on weekends he and one of his brothers and a few friends would get themselves drugged up all weekend long. However, as Dave grew up he became involved in the alcohol and finally the gambling. He seemed to replace one addiction with another one.


He also related that most of his siblings were either alcoholics or heavily into drugs, many of them did not have good relationships and one of the siblings no longer had any contact with the family. One sister had turned to prostitution in an effort to afford her drug habit. Both parents were no longer living having drunk themselves into an early grave.


There had been some unusual noises and shapes seen around the house by both Susan and Dave, the television set had changed channels as they tried to watch a program. There had been phone calls with no one on the other end, both had seem a black shape that was the size of a large dog, emerge from the family room and run upstairs. Both had chased it up stairs as it ran into their bedroom, but upon inspection, there was nothing there.


There was the smell of rotting flesh that seemed to permeate from a corner of the living room, but nothing was seen in that area that would cause the foul stench.


Dave was determined to not let what had happened to his family happen to him, he wanted help and he was prepared to try an exorcism to see if that helped. Larry began to pray over Dave and at first, all was quiet, Susan sat next to him in their living room.


About half way through the prayer there began a loud banging sound coming from the family room, a thorough search was made of the room and out side but nothing was found that would make that sound, so we continued the ritual. The sound intensified and then stopped all together, at this point Dave looked at Larry and clenched his fist and said that he hated Larry and felt like punching him until he stopped praying, but Dave kept himself under control as Larry continued to pray.


Soon Dave was crying softly and soon all was quiet. Dave said he felt better than he had in a long while. We left Dave and Susan and told them to keep in touch with us, over the next couple of weeks Dave began to improve and soon was enrolled in Gamblers anonymous and to this day is doing great.


Unfortunately, for Susan, she suffered a stroke a few months after bringing Dave to us for help. The good news is that she had suffered no ill effects from the stroke and the doctors are amazed that someone so young could have a stroke, and that someone that had the type of stroke that she had experienced had escaped with no disabilities from it.


Dave and Susan are convinced that her stroke was retaliation from the demons for her getting help for Dave, but she said she would go through it again, just so that he was not tormented anymore by the demonic force that was around him.


Today three years later Dave and Susan are doing well, they are planning on being married soon, all though there have been a few relapses with the gambling things have improved greatly. When a relapse happens Susan will pray over Dave as he sleeps and soon he is on the right track once again.


We will continue to keep in touch with this couple.



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Midnight Sky

Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research Ghost Ghost

Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Gambler

I know this story seems far fetched especially the part of being hit by the same semi three times in one day but it's true.


Dave Simmons was an ordinary man, who thought that his run of bad luck was just that bad luck, he never expected that any thing demonic was responsible for what he was going through.


Dave had grown up in a family of five; he was the middle child with two older brothers and two younger sisters. In addition, being a middle child Dave just figured that statistics was against him. His parents were hard drinkers and most weekends both parents were drunk, as he grew into adult hood he began to drink just as they did.


Dave married right out of college but this marriage was not to last long, his young wife could not take the drunken binges that began on Friday night and would end on Monday morning when he left for work, soon they divorced.


Crushed by the divorce Dave sought help for his addiction to alcohol through Alcoholics Anonymous or AA. Through a program Dave found that he did not have to depend on Alcohol to get him through the weekends, slowly he began to stop drinking. This was fine except that he began to replace his drinking with gambling at the local casino, every Friday he would take a portion of his pay and gamble all weekend long.


At first Dave was very lucky with his gambling he actually was making money and with this run of “luck” he began to gamble more and more of his pay. Soon he was gambling all of his pay away. Oh, he still made some money but not as much as he originally had.


At work he had met a woman that he was interested in and who was interested in Dave, she and he began a relationship and they eventually moved in together. Susan had her own home and was more than happy to share it with Dave. He had kept the fact that he had this gambling problem from her.


At first, Dave refused to give into his need to gamble and he actually stayed away from the casino. He and Susan seemed happy together. He had a good job as a manager for a local company, so he was on the road a lot during the day but home at night. He felt that perhaps his luck was improving once again.


One day he was driving along his usual route and a semi truck plowed into his car pushing him to the side of the road, but not causing him any injuries and minimal damage to the car, so he drove on to finish his route. A short while later in the morning he was again in his car driving to another location when he stopped at a light and he was rear ended by a semi truck, the same semi truck that had pushed him off the road previously. Once again, he was not injured and there was minimal damage to the car, so he continued to finish his route.


As he finished up his route and was on his way home he was driving across an expansion bridge in heavy traffic, just before he reached the end of the bridge he was once again hit and pushed toward the side of the bridge. However, this time there was a lot of damage to his car. He was injured this time and needed to stay in the hospital over night. The strange thing was that he was hit by a semi truck, the same semi that had hit his two times before that same day.


After he had recovered at home, Dave once again began to gamble his pay and this time he began to steal money from Susan, concerned over what was going on with Dave, she began to talk with him and to try and find out what was going on with him.


She found out that there was a lot of abuse of alcohol, drugs and gambling in Dave’s family and it seemed to go on for generations. She began to research generational curses and felt sure that this is what Dave was experiencing.


Susan got in touch with us at Aware to ask if this was possible, which we assured her it was, so we made arrangements to meet with her and Dave at their home.


At first, Dave was very skeptical about what was really causing his run of bad luck, but as he related the background story of his life, a pattern began to emerge of chronic abuse and very bad luck in his family. He began to see that it was possible that there was some kind of generational curse working through his family, making it impossible for any one of them to get out of the misery that their lives had become.


As a teenager Dave had gotten himself involved in drugs, on weekends he and one of his brothers and a few friends would get themselves drugged up all weekend long. However, as Dave grew up he became involved in the alcohol and finally the gambling. He seemed to replace one addiction with another one.


He also related that most of his siblings were either alcoholics or heavily into drugs, many of them did not have good relationships and one of the siblings no longer had any contact with the family. One sister had turned to prostitution in an effort to afford her drug habit. Both parents were no longer living having drunk themselves into an early grave.


There had been some unusual noises and shapes seen around the house by both Susan and Dave, the television set had changed channels as they tried to watch a program. There had been phone calls with no one on the other end, both had seem a black shape that was the size of a large dog, emerge from the family room and run upstairs. Both had chased it up stairs as it ran into their bedroom, but upon inspection, there was nothing there.


There was the smell of rotting flesh that seemed to permeate from a corner of the living room, but nothing was seen in that area that would cause the foul stench.


Dave was determined to not let what had happened to his family happen to him, he wanted help and he was prepared to try an exorcism to see if that helped. Larry began to pray over Dave and at first, all was quiet, Susan sat next to him in their living room.


About half way through the prayer there began a loud banging sound coming from the family room, a thorough search was made of the room and out side but nothing was found that would make that sound, so we continued the ritual. The sound intensified and then stopped all together, at this point Dave looked at Larry and clenched his fist and said that he hated Larry and felt like punching him until he stopped praying, but Dave kept himself under control as Larry continued to pray.


Soon Dave was crying softly and soon all was quiet. Dave said he felt better than he had in a long while. We left Dave and Susan and told them to keep in touch with us, over the next couple of weeks Dave began to improve and soon was enrolled in Gamblers anonymous and to this day is doing great.


Unfortunately, for Susan, she suffered a stroke a few months after bringing Dave to us for help. The good news is that she had suffered no ill effects from the stroke and the doctors are amazed that someone so young could have a stroke, and that someone that had the type of stroke that she had experienced had escaped with no disabilities from it.


Dave and Susan are convinced that her stroke was retaliation from the demons for her getting help for Dave, but she said she would go through it again, just so that he was not tormented anymore by the demonic force that was around him.


Today three years later Dave and Susan are doing well, they are planning on being married soon, all though there have been a few relapses with the gambling things have improved greatly. When a relapse happens Susan will pray over Dave as he sleeps and soon he is on the right track once again.


We will continue to keep in touch with this couple.



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Midnight Sky