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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



God is Only a Phone Call Away

A young woman from the Midwest contacted us through our web site. She and her boyfriend and young daughter had recently moved into a house. At first there was nothing out of the ordinary, but a few weeks after moving there the woman was sitting on her patio and her daughter's bike moved all by itself. At first she thought that it was the wind, but she noticed that there was no wind. So she took the bike inside and again sat and watched it and again it moved. This happened quite a few times; by the time her boyfriend had come home she was really excited about this and couldn't wait to show it to him. So just like in the movie "Poltergeist" the both of them sat and watched the bike move on its own.

Soon after other things began to happen, her touch lamps would go on as if some unseen hand would touch them. Very soon she began to hear voices and music while she worked at her computer; some of the voices seemed to come from the radio and the television even when they were turned off. Intrigued the woman contacted a famous psychic, she was told to tape the voices, that they weren't harmful and that they must have a message for her. The woman was also was instructed to ask the spirits to answer questions and to wait and see if they would answer on the tape. The poor woman did as she was instructed, still believing that these spirits would not harm her or her family.

At first all she got was strange sounds as if someone was moving around and the recorder was picking up these sounds. This went on for about a month, then she started to hear inaudible whispers and just about that time things began to progress really fast. Soon she was hearing more than she bargained for on the tapes, she could hear a marching band on the tape that she had not heard other wise. One tape sounded like a party was going on in her house as they all slept in their beds.

Then one night she taped and asked questions and in the morning the voice on the tape was not Casper the Friendly Ghost, rather it was a demonic voice at first she could not hear what it said but soon there were many more voices that joined the first voice. Pretty soon she did not need the tape recorder to hear the voices, she could hear them plainly in every room of her house. Her bedroom closet was the worse place and she felt that this was the center of the haunting.

These voices told her that they were her friends and even some of her deceased relatives. Two of the voices told her that their names were Randy and Sandy and that she was reincarnated and that they knew her in a previous life. They told her that she had been killed along with her ten children. The entity calling itself Sandy really seemed to despise the young woman, and soon she began to fear for her safety, as well as her daughter's.

Soon she began to feel that she was being watched, no matter where she would go in her house she felt ill at ease. She could not even go into the bathroom without hearing their cruel comments. Finally one day the voices told her that she was going to die, they even gave her the date of her death.

She began to loose sleep and it began to show in her face, dark circles appeared under her eyes and her skin took on a strange color. She feared every noise that she heard, and she feared to leave her house. At night when she could sleep she had the lights on as well as the television to block out the voices.

On the date that the voices had told her that she would die, the poor woman was so terrified that all she could do was to sit in her kitchen not knowing what to expect. Late in the morning she heard the ambulance coming down her street. It raced into the neighbor's across the street. The woman watched from her windows as the attendants wheeled her neighbor to a waiting ambulance. Out of the stillness of her house she heard a demonic voice that said "next time it will be you."

The poor woman did not know where to turn to as her family and friends were of no help, they did not believe her about the voices or the threats. All they thought was that she was mentally ill and that she needed to be in a hospital where she could get some much-needed treatment.

She felt that she was at the end of her rope and that soon she would be dead, either from the fear or that the spirits would actually kill her. She spent hours on the computer looking for someone that would believe her and find the help she needed.

She contacted us and we believed her, the poor woman was hysterical, we tired to calm her down so that we could begin to pray with her over the phone. After the prayers she began to feel better, she called the next day a little afraid but we again prayed with her and this time it really did the trick.

Over the next couple of months the voices seemed to grow quiet she now hears only an occasional sound. Every once in a while the entities try and turn her lights off but she ignores them and they soon stop.

Since our initial contact she has found out that a very mean minister once owned her house. This man was so evil that he would throw things at the children and put out poison for the animals that would enter his yard. The locals stayed away from him because of his meanness, he kept to him self and kept all the shades drawn in his house. No wonder all these things happened in her house. We told her to keep all the shades open and to let in God's light. We told her evil hates happiness so try and maintain a cheerful and loving home. Which she has done.

We have kept in contact with her and today she is much stronger and able to stand up to these things when they do try to enter back into her life. Her family has seen a change in her they tell us she is much more confident about herself.

I think that with her faith and strong determination she will stay free from these entities forever. Call it the faith of the person receiving the prayers or what you will but she did get better just from the prayers over the phone.

God does work in mysterious ways that's for sure.

Updated 9/26/02

We have been in touch with the woman from the Midwest on a regular basis since our first phone call last year. She was being plagued by her daughter's bike moving on its own, voices in the house that became insulting and threatening, lights would go on and off by themselves and she would feel as if she was being watched no matter where she went.

Things quieted down for a while, but every once in a while the voices start to act up again. Instead of being afraid the woman now is much stronger and much more knowledgeable on how to control these entities. Now she gets out her holy water and starts to pray. She now knows not to tape them or to give them recognition, so for the most part she ignores them and the episodes do not last that long.

She credits us with saving her life, but we think that with her faith and determination to gain control of her life she was the one that made it possible.


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