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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



Reverend Larry's Mom

This past October 8th, my mother, Yolanda, Aunt Agnes and myself had just gotten off the bus in Florida. For weeks she had been telling me she had been dying to go to Florida for a well-deserved vacation. How little did I realize how true this was? We were standing in line at a local fast food establishment where she suddenly collapsed and literally died at our feet.

A few days later at the funeral, Debbie was sitting beside me, along with the rest of my family. As an obvious believer in the afterlife, I asked Deb if she felt anything. She said “Yes...good things...” but refused to elaborate, which was only right as we were in the middle of the funeral Mass. It was only later did she tell me what she actually saw and felt. A few days later she told me that she had seen The Blessed Mother hovering in front of the large crucifix above the main altar, followed by an apparition of my mother, whom she had met on several occasions accompanied by a tall man standing next to the priest who was delivering the sermon. The tall man was my father who had died 25 years earlier. And both were looking at us and smiling.

I later asked Deb why she hadn’t told me this while it was happening. She told me that I had gone thru enough that past week. And maybe I had.


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