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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



The Devil from New Orleans

A young couple flew from New Orleans to Connecticut to have us pray over them. The couple had been married a little more than a year and both were experiencing problems. The husband felt that it had to do with the location that they lived in New Orleans.

The area that they resided in is popular for the occult practices that are performed there. Both of them had experienced strange feelings of anger and depression after visiting some of the area occult shops. He felt that these feelings that they picked up in the shops carried over into their home and their work.

The husband had been brought up Catholic and had regularly attended Sunday mass. The wife on the other hand had not had any religious upbringing. She had not heard of God or Jesus Christ until she married her husband.

He tired many times to share his belief with his wife but she soon became angry and withdrawn about religion. So he eventually gave up trying. Their marriage began to suffer, they would fight a lot over nothing. He felt that they were growing apart.

Many times as they walked about the city he would feel negative energy coming from someone, he would mention this feeling to his wife but she did not feel this. Some of the book stores would be awful places for him to go, he would feel ill when he entered them, especially if they carried books on the occult. In one of these book stores he found a book on Russian history that he was looking for and when he got it home and opened it a strong electrical jolt ran up his arm from the book. His wife felt nothing when she handled the book.

The husband persuaded his wife to fly with him to us so that we could pray over both of them. The prayer ritual was uneventful, the wife at first was a little apprehensive but she agreed to go through the prayers.

We heard from them after about three weeks and the husband says he feels calmer and his mind is clearer. He said he felt that immediately as they flew home. On the other hand his wife slowly began to change, he has noticed in these last three weeks a significant change in her. They both believe that their marriage is better.

We will continue to keep in contact with them to see how things continue to improve for them both.


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