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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



The Intercession of Padre Pio

Early in August, the Aware Foundation was contacted by a family that needed help for their 10 year old son, Ronald. Carol his mother made the initial contact and arranged for us to fly to Montreal.

We flew to the airport and we met by Carol. On the way to her home she told us about her only child. She began to notice changes in her son 6 months ago.

The family were very active in their church, both Carol and her husband, Frank were on various committees and Ronald had just started as an alter boy. At first Ronald had been very excited about serving at the masses, but lately he had been refusing to serve and had begun to become agitated during the mass.

At first he squirmed while the prayers were being read but lately he had begun to make noises, similar to growls. At school he was just as agitated. Always a good student, his grades had began to go down. He was always in trouble from not listening in class to making noises to fighting with his fellow classmates. He would spit at them, hit them and swear uncontrollably.

Carol and Frank did not know where to turn, their family doctor could find nothing wrong with the boy either physically or mentally. They turned to their parish priest, who told them to contact us.

Carol also told us that they had noticed a change in Ronald a few months after the boy was sexually molested by a neighbor. The act of sexually molesting a child is such an act against God that we felt this is when the demons made Ronald their mark.

We had planned to begin the deliverance ritual right away and for the next three days, we would do it a number of times. We arrived at Carol's house and were greeted by Frank and Ronald. Frank looked relieved that we were there, while on the other hand Ronald glared at us with such hatred. We explained what we planned to do and we got started.

Thomas, a family friend was enlisted to help during the prayers. We soon found out that we would need all the help in holding Ronald. All though he is a rather small boy for his age, it soon became evident that it would take all our combined strengths to hold him in the chair. The demonic can give the individual super human strength even a small child like Ronald.

The minute that Rev. Larry began the prayers, Ronald began to spit at us, to bite us, to growl, swear and try to get loose. His parents were in tears.

While Rev. Larry prayed, Debbie said a silent prayer to Padre Pio. Through out his life Padre Pio had fought demons every night. She felt that he might intercede on the child's behalf.

Unknown to everyone except Debbie, she "saw" Padre Pio walk up to the child and lay his hands on Ronald's head. At that moment Ronald let out a growl and screamed "Padre Pio, NO!" He became quiet and less agitated and over the next couple of days it became evident that Ronald had been released from the grasps of the demons.

After Debbie told everyone what she had "seen" and why Ronald had screamed out at that moment. Weeks later Ronald is a normal 10 year old boy, enjoying school and masses with no trouble. All his symptoms and memory of his past behavior have disappeared.

The family believes that Padre Pio came to intercede on behalf of their son.

Updated 9/26/02

It has been almost 3 years since we have been to Montreal to help 10 year old Ronald. He had been molested by a baby sitter and had come under demonic attack due to that horrendous act.

During the prayers I had a vision of St. Padre Pio placing his gloved hands on Ronald, at that moment Ronald screamed out "Padre Pio no!" Over the next couple of days Ronald got better and better.

I happened to speak to his mother, Carol a few days ago and she reports that all is well with Ronald. He is doing well in school and seems to have forgotten most of what went on during the prayers.

She and her husband, Frank had heard that the woman accused of molesting their son was trying to open a day care center in another town, Carol and Frank went to the town council and was able to stop her from do that, this way maybe saving more children from her abuse.


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