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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



The Non-Believer gets his Proof

Sometimes we get more than we hope for, such was the case of a man from Montana, and he contacted us last year because he was hearing footsteps. These footsteps would come in the front door and go up the stairs and down the hall and into his bedroom. There they would stop at the side of his bed. He at first thought that he had an intruder in the house and he would try and catch him.

Soon he figured out that it was not someone that was living that was walking around. Soon the footsteps became thunderous knocks; this was unnerving to him and his wife and was scaring his small children.

He told us that all this was so hard for him to accept as he did not believe in ghosts or spirits or even in God. He told us many times he wished for proof that there was a God especially after his children were born, but he never got any real proof that there was indeed a supreme being, of did he?

We told him that we felt that these spirit noises were the proof that he needed of the existence of God. And that to get rid of them he must believe in a God. Over the next couple of months he began to believe and he learned to pray. He and his family joined a church and had the children and he and his wife baptized. He called us recently to report that the footsteps and the knocking had stopped.


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