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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Curse of the Indian Shaman

Cynthia a middle age woman came to us in the summer of 2003, for most of her adult life she had been plagued by what she believed to be evil spirits that would not allow her to have any kind of meaningful relationships. She had been to many doctors, both medical as well as psychiatrist in an effort to alleviate her debilitating condition. There was never any medical or psychological condition found to cause these conditions.


Cynthia was unable to conduct daily functions. She could not on many days leaver her home to go to work or to the store or to even take a simple stroll outdoors. Her condition left her unable to maintain a friendship or any close ties to her family.


With money that she inherited from her parents she was able to purchase a small home and to be able to live as a semi recluse soul. Still Cynthia hoped to be freed from this life of solitaire and to become a vibrant individual free to do what deep in her heart she felt was the life she was meant to live.


As far back as she could remember she always felt as if she were not alone in her thoughts. She always felt that she was being watched and directed by some unseen force. She came to us hoping that she might rid herself of this feeling and to get on with life.

On our first meeting we found out that as a small child she and her parents had spent their summers in a mountain cabin in the Black Mountains of South Dakota. There was a local folklore that this cabin might be on sacred Indian ground; possibly from the Lakota tribe that many years previous had been numerous in population in that area.


She felt that some how something had been disturbed and that this is when the spirit began to invade her life and make it what it had become today.


We agreed to pray over her and to see what we could do in helping her to rid her of this evil presence that we felt was infringing on her life.

As Larry began to pray over Cynthia she began to manifest in a strange voice, it seemed to be that of an ancient Indian spirit. This spirit at first began to speak in it’s native language but soon in broken English it began to tell a story of what had happened to cause it to want to reach out and cause this woman so much grief in her life.


Cynthia and her parents had indeed had a cabin on very sacred Indian land; this land was used by the shaman of the tribe as a place of prayer and sacrifice to their Indian gods for the health and prosperity of the tribe. Besides an Indian burial ground this was the second most sacred place to the American Indian.


But Cynthia was not in conflict with the spirits because she and her parents had lived on this land, the spirit explained that as a young child, Cynthia had defaced the sanctity of this ground by urinating on it. The ancient spirit felt that this was an affront to the area and thus the evil Indian spirit was sent forth to make her life a living hell.


As the spirit spoke through Cynthia, many people present that day saw in their minds eye an Indian spirit. This spirit was very dark skinned and wore on it’s head a headdress of three feathers, and on the side of the spirits head were horns like those of buffaloes. It wore a breastplate of bones that seemed to have a medallion like center. And a buffalo skin girded its waist. Its face was dark and the eyes coal black, but it had two white stripes on either cheek. It’s face showed pure hatred for everyone in the room. In one hand it held a staff that had the head of an eagle impaled on the end and in the other hand a bag of some sort that it kept waving in our direction.


Larry continued to pray and Cynthia began to talk in her own voice and beg the Indian spirits forgiveness for her act of betrayal.

As the prayers continued the vision of the evil spirit began to fade and Cynthia began to take on a softer look about her face. Soon she exclaimed that she felt that the spirit had left her.


Over the next couple of months, Cynthia kept in contact with us and since the prayer session has had no more trouble with the Indian spirit.


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