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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



A Tale of Two Sisters

In October, we got a call from two sisters that were having problems in their house. They were sharing a house with their three children. It was an older house in a good section of town. They had lived there almost three years before they began to notice anything strange going on.

At first the haunting started out slowly with some noises like tapping and knocking which they could always find a reason for like old water pipes or the house settling. Living in a haunted house was the last thing that they thought was happening to them.

But like all hauntings, the noises escalated and soon were followed by strange smells. Soon the spirits in the house began to manifest, scaring the sisters and the children. On the second floor they would smell a very strong perfume around one sisters room. Their three children would be afraid to go to bed at night. The little girl would have her hair pulled and her covers yanked. Her sister would see a shadow moving around the room.

Their brother who slept in another room would experience his closet door opening and closing through out the night. The phenomenon was not only centered on the second floor but the sisters soon began to see spirits on the lower level as well. While sitting on the couch one night the oldest sister saw a man's face appear on the landing on the stairs leading to the second floor. Fearing for the children's safety, which were asleep upstairs, she ran up the stairs. As she entered the space where she had seen the face she noticed that it felt like a freezer there, even though it was a very hot night. She found the children safely asleep.

Another time the younger sister was sitting at the computer in the living room and she heard a child's voice coming from the enclosed front porch. Thinking that one of the children got up from their bed and was playing on the porch she quietly got up and walked to the porch.

She did find a child there but it was not one of hers this child was a young girl dressed in the turn of the last century clothes. She was playing with a hoop and seemed to be singing a song. The phantom child noticed the sister and slowly disappeared.

This frightened the sister who ran upstairs to her own children's room and that's where she stayed until her sister came home.

After this encounter the two felt that they needed help in riding their home of the unwelcome guests. So they called us in.

After arriving we took a quick tour of the house and noticed that there were many places through out the house that had high level of energy. Stacey took many pictures of those various places and was rewarded with many ghost orbs. On the landing of the stairs she took a picture and got the outline of a man's face staring out to her.

In one sister's room she got a large white fog that seemed to stretch over the bed. This is the room where the perfume is smelled a lot.

And on the porch she got a picture of a little girl reflected in the television.

We got right to work praying in the house and commanding the entities to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. During the prayers the house remained relatively quiet there was a few taps here and there and on the second floor perfume was smelled. We left and they both promised to call us and let us know how everything turned out.

They did call about a month later and told us that the first night they saw a lot of orbs floating down the stairs and out onto the front porch were they simply disappeared. They did not smell the perfume or see the specters after that. Since our visit all has remained quiet and there have been no more reported apparitions or noises.


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