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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



The Texas Entity

Recently two women from the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas contacted us, they were both experiencing the same kind of attack and they believed it to be the same demon attacking them both.

These two women had been friends for many years and had traveled all over Central America. Shortly after their last trip to Central America they began to experience strange unexplained maladies. The women's hair would fall out, they would notice that their skin seemed to change from the smooth skin that they once had to almost a lizard like appearance. They both seemed to experience tremendous weight gains and losses in a short period of time. Both began to hear strange voices in their heads telling them outlandish things claiming to be the word of God.

We left early to fly to the Dallas airport, as soon as our plane was air born, I began to "hear" advice from the demonic. They talked about our turning back, forgetting these two women had called and if we didn't turn back then the plane with all two hundred people would be thrown to the ground. I tired not to listen and all seemed to stop until about thirty minutes before we were due to land in Dallas. I began to get visions; the area directly in front of me was a brilliant shade of green, and soon on this area I began to see words forming. These words were written backwards as if written in a mirror. As this all unfolded before me, I began to hear a name, "Hempborious". The demon said that was it's name and it had walked the earth during the times of the Hittites. The Hittites were a band of nomadic people during Jesus' time. Then in front of me in that green area I saw the letter S U S E J, I quickly realized that it was Jesus written backwards.

As the plane descended to the tarmac the vision faded and all returned to normal with no further incidents until we got to the place for the exorcism. As soon as Larry began to pray over these two women I became ill, my head and stomach began to ache. Later I would find that I had numerous welts and marks on my stomach around my waist. These marks which were very painful seemed to encircle my waist from front to back, there was a small area on my right side that was not affected. I heard a voice tell me that when these marks met I would die. The women too experienced pain in their heads and stomach and they too heard the demonic voices.

Soon I began to see a vision of a dirt floor superimposed over the rug on the floor. This dirt floor had stone steps that had many entities sitting on them. It almost seemed to be some sort of auditorium and the stage was in the center of the dirt floor. To the left was an opening that looked like a huge cave, it seemed dark and menacing to me. Out of this opening stepped a creature. I could not see its face, as it was clothed in a brown hooded robe that hid its face. The robe went all the way to the dirt floor. The being turned towards me and raised its arm and pointed an old knurled finger at me. The hand reminded me of a dried up old mummy hand.

It was angry that Larry was praying over these two women, it raged and screamed at me to tell Larry to shut up, one of the woman was seeing and hearing all of this too. The demon went on to explain to us that these prayers would do no good, as there was no God. It went on to explain that if the demonic had to listen to the nonsense that Larry was saying then we in turn had to listen to them from their book. It continued to rant and to scream for Larry to stop praying.

It demanded that we listen to it and to know who was the true Lord over all, and that was Satan. As the demon said this I saw movement in the opening and I looked in that direction. There in the opening stood what I believed to be Satan. This being, Satan as it wished to be called, was over eight feet tall; its arms hung ape like to its knees. The head was covered with snake like protrusions that encircled around two large horns on either side of its forehead. Its eyes were mere slits that glowed a menacing red on either side of a pig like nose. The mouth was open in a snarl and dirty yellow sharp teeth were exposed. A snake like tongue flicked in an out of the mouth. The skin on the body seemed to be that of a lizard and there was these pustules that seemed to have a liquid that smelled and looked like excrement.

Out of these pustules the robed demonic creature picked some of this liquid and tired to get us to taste it almost as if it were a communion host. When we refused it became enraged not understanding why we would take communion from our false God and not the "true" communion of its lord Satan. It screamed and growled and the room seemed to be filled with many black shapes and many demonic voices all claiming that Satan was the true prince of the world, that there was no God. These entities continued with the voices and blasphemous words. Everyone seemed to be under some kind of attack. Both women held hands as Larry continued to pray. Soon everything became quiet. The vision started to change, Satan had disappeared from the opening and the entities seated around the auditorium were gone. The robed creature too had disappeared and the dirt floor that had been its stage was now empty.

At that moment the two women saw a large shadow that resembled a sting ray it seemed to leave them both at the same time. They felt that they were delivered both were hungry. They both noticed that their surroundings seemed sharper and brighter and much more beautiful than they had remembered.

They both have been free from any demonic attacks since that afternoon.


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