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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Curse and the Ex-Wife

A few weeks ago we were contacted by a Monsignor from the Chapel of the Good Shepherd in a suburb of New York City. One of his parishioners an 18-year veteran of the New York police department had been ill for the past 2 years and had been unable to work.

The man had been in and out of various hospitals almost 60 times in the past 2 years. During all those visits the doctors had performed numerous tests and procedures, including the removal of his gall bladder, but were unable to find any diagnosis.

In desperation the wife had turned to her parish. Her husband had spent a very torturous night where he was shaking and vomiting, she feared that her husband would succumb to this attack and she wanted the monsignor to come and pray over her husband.

The Monsignor being a very sensitive person recognized that what the man was going through was not medical but rather spiritual in nature. So he contacted us and we made arrangements to meet him at the rectory and go with him to the families' home.

We arrived at the house and were greeted by the wife, from the doorway we could see her husband huddled in bed clutching a pillow to his abdomen. She ushered us into the dinning area and we sat around the table while she began to tell us about her husband.

Her husband attacks had begun over 2 years ago with what started out as hiccups that would not stop. He ended up in the hospital for the first time, where the doctor prescribed haldol to alleviate the hiccups but they did not. Over time the hiccups became more and more pronounced and eventually the man began to have trouble eating. He would eat and begin to vomit soon he became unable to work.

The couple was ushered to many doctors and hospitals in hopes that they could find a cure for what was ailing the man. One hospital and group of doctors removed his gall bladder in hopes that this would stop the attacks, it did not.

After a few days stay in the hospital the attacks would get better but would worsen on his return home. The doctors suggested that he see a psychiatrist but they too were unable to find any thing medically wrong with the man.

Last nights attack had been a very bad attack, the husband had begun to shake uncontrollably until the shaking had caused him to practically jump off the bed. He would only get out of bed to go into the bathroom to vomit. Both were very frightened.

We also found out that the man was married before to a Cuban woman. She and he had lived in the same house before their divorce. The divorce had not been a very mutual one; the ex-wife had not wanted the divorce and resented his second wife. We immediately were suspicious about the ex-wife. We felt that since the attacks only happened to him and only when he was home had to have something to do with the ex-wife.

After the wife finished telling the story we went took a tour of the well kept home, she told us that her husband had done most of the remodeling before he was taken ill. We could not find any type of paranormal areas in the house. The attack seemed to be only centered on the man, so we figured that what ever was sent was only meant for the husband and no one else.

Next we went into pray over the husband. He was lying on their bed still clutching the pillow to his stomach. The whole bed was shaking and the man was shaking so badly that he was moving up and down. Larry began the prayers while the rest of us prayed along. As Larry prayed the shaking seemed to be calming down some. Soon he was quiet and we ended the prayers.

As we got ready to leave we asked the woman to call us. The monsignor told us that he was going to include the family especially the husband in his prayers at mass the next day.

The next day the wife called us all upset her husband was worse. We explained to her about the Monsignor offering prayers for her husband and we felt that was why he was being tormented so badly. We asked her to give it a few days and that we would be there again in a couple of days.

The night before we were to go we called the wife just to see how everything was going. She told us that her husband had started eating again and was keeping everything down. And that the shaking had stopped. We could not wait to go and see this for ourselves.

The next night we arrived at their house and were greeted at the door by the husband. He looked so great, he looked about thirty years younger and where he had looked like a living skeleton when we first met him, now he looked like the pictures that we had seen around the house. The best news was that he was going back to work the beginning of the week.

We prayed with the family once again and all seemed to be quiet. The family will keep us updated as to his progress. All now we can do is to continue to pray for them and to wait.

Updated 9/26/02

We have been in contact with the man who was cursed by his ex-wife. He had been unable to work for over 2 years and had been in and out of the hospital almost 60 times.

His parish priest had contacted us in hopes that we could help this man. During our initial visit the man shook so badly and looked so sick, but on our next visit a few days later he was standing at the door waiting for us to arrive, he looked so much better and was able to eat and there were no more shaking. We have recently heard from his wife and he is once again working at the New York police force, he is able to eat and is gaining all the weight he lost back, once again he is taking an interest in his home, yard and working on his vintage cars.

He and his wife attend mass regularly each week. His whole life has changed. There have been no more episodes of shaking. The curse seems to have been lifted.


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