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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


El Chupacabra

The Chupacabra is a creature that has been sighted all over the world but the most sightings have been in South America and Puerto Rico. It is somewhat human in appearance, has fangs and has spines along its back. It has wings that are said to be seven feet wide. The Chupacabra or goat sucker is four feet tall and is tailless. It has two long arms that end in claws. There are varied descriptions of it resembling something that is crossed between an ape, human and bird. It has the fangs and stomach of a vampire and is as agile and strong as a panther.

No one is sure where it came from but it has been responsible for many deaths of goats and other animals.  Just like vampires, the Chupacabra drinks the animal's blood. Animal carcasses have been found completely drained from their blood. There are many reports of seeing something resembling the description of the Chupacabra just before the dead animals were found. Many authorities believe that the Chupacabra might be a very large species of bat, but eye witnesses do not believe this. There are bats that do drink the blood from animals, such as cows, but they are not as large as the reported sightings of the Chupacabra.

It is reported that these creatures live in underground caves and only come out at night. Lately there have been a few reports of a similar creature attacking animals in the Miami area of Florida.

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