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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Dangers of Ghost Hunting

It seems that ghost hunting has become quite a popular sport over the past few years. What could be more exciting than the thrill of walking into a cemetery and hoping to have an encounter with a spirit? Many cemeteries are very notorious for sightings of spirits and many people hoping to get a thrill flock to the cemeteries to catch a glimpse of a specter.

But can we be sure that these spirits are those of the people that are buried there and not some evil entity just waiting to cause harm to some unsuspecting ghost hunter? Evil spirits are attracted to cemeteries for many reasons; the human suffering of the loved ones that have lost someone in death draws them into this place. They are also drawn by the decaying of the human body, which was made in the image of God.

Also many people bring Ouija boards to the cemeteries to try and make contact with ghosts. Unfortunately they are not sure what they have invited into their circle. Most times these evil entities start out claiming to be the spirit of a deceased person that has died tragically in some sort of strange accident. This way the evil spirit can sucker the unsuspecting ghost hunters into believing that they are helping a spirit by communicating with it, this gives the demonic more and more energy to manifest into something that the unsuspecting did not count on.

So would be ghost hunters must be wary of becoming the hunted in their endeavors to find evidence of ghosts. There are many things one can do to protect themselves against possible onslaught of a demonic entity.

The first most important thing to do is to envision oneself in a "Christ like" white lights, to do this imagine that you are on a stage and a white spotlight is shinning down on you. This is the light of Christ's protection. Also ask for God's protection before entering any known haunted area or house. Also remember that it is important that you believe that God and his angels will protect you because this protection is only as powerful as you believe in your heart it to be.

Also remember that a spirit whether good or bad can come to you at anytime or place, so be prepared for this. Know the risk that you are taking before you venture out for some "fun" it just might not be the kind of fun that you are looking for.


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