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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Why to have an Exorcism

Many people have wondered why an exorcism is more effective than just the person that is under demonic attacks rebuking the demon in Jesus Christ's name is. People wonder why it works and why is it really needed.

The definition of exorcism is the ritual act of driving out evil, demons, or spirits from places, such as homes, lands or buildings and from persons or even things in which demons are thought to dwell. Exorcism can occur in all societies of people from the most primitive to the most sophisticated. We apply the term exorcism to all the acts that are used to dispel or frighten the demons or spirits away.

To be possessed means that a demonic entity has gained mastery over your whole body and it controls your whole life. Your free will has been taken over by the demon along with your intellect, reason, sight, thoughts, hearing, and speech; every facet of your life is controlled by this entity. This demonic entity clouds your whole being so that even the light of faith cannot enter.

A person's capacity to welcome God into his life is blurred by sin. Most of the time evil occupies a place in a person that God wishes to dwell. Jesus Christ was born so that man could be freed from evil and sin. That is the reason that we cast out demons in Jesus' name so that once this person is free from the evil he or she is free to find a place for Jesus and or God in our lives.

If we look at the teachings of Jesus Christ we will find that he encouraged and endorsed the use of exorcisms. Demonology is a prominent motif in the gospels. The evangelists portrayed Jesus as one who was locked in mortal combat with demonic forces. In this struggle every successful exorcism represents a victory over Satan and his minions.

Christian's believe that a higher authority is needed to bind the entity in order to control it and command it to act differently than its own will. Christians believe that this higher authority is Jesus Christ. In the scriptures the belief is that these demons, devils and evil spirits are afraid of Christ and that just by mentioning his name during the ritual will cause the demons to flee. Christ handed his disciples and his church the power to exorcise demons in his name.

The whole exorcism ritual can take as short a time as fifteen minutes or it can go on for days. The devil knows that it must leave so we work like everything depends on us and we pray like everything depends on God. We try to be positive and trusting no matter how long it takes or how many times we have to repeat the prayer. When it comes right down to it this all happens in God's time and not ours.

Even though the word exorcism can be a frightening thought it also can be a quick appealing fix. As Jesus said in the gospels, when two or more are gathered in my name there I am also. Exorcism treats the presence of evil in the world seriously and gives us hope in the liberation through Christ.


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