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Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


History of Halloween


Halloween is becoming the most popular holiday it takes place on October 31 or All Hallows' Eve. Over time All Hallows' Eve became shortened to Halloween. This holiday may have developed from an ancient pagan festival that was celebrated by Celtic people over 2000 years ago. The Celtic people celebrated this to mark the end of summer and the beginning of the dark winter season. It was believed that the Celtic people had celebrated their feast day around November 1.
The Celts called October 31st Samhain which in Gaelic means 'summer end'. This was a Celtic only holiday and the festivities began at sundown on the eve. More importantly Samhain is the end of the old year and a beginning of a New Year for the Celts.
The Celtic New Years festival began with the representation of Celtic gods with two faces. These gods would stand at the portal and one face would be facing towards the past year remembering all that passed and the other face facing toward the future trying to foretell what the New Year had in store.  An important part of the festival is the celebration of the dead and the prophecy of the future.
Many Celts believed that on All Hallows eve that the dead could return to walk among the living on this one night. Many families set out extra food and lit torches to show the dead their way. But by daybreak the dead must return to their final resting-place once again.
The Celts also believed that All Hallows eve was the best time for predicting the future, so they believed that only on this holiday would their rituals of divination succeed.
In the 800s the church began a new holy day on November 1, that of, All saint's day during this time it was called All Hallows' so that the evening before was called All Hallows' eve.
There were many different beliefs associated with foretelling during Oct. 31st, most had to do with young women seeking future spouses. One had to do with young women placing hazelnuts in front of the fire. Each hazelnut represented a desired spouse. The girl would then chant a rhyme similar to he loves me he loves me not. Sometimes a prospected beau could be foretold by the use of an apple; here a young girl would slice an apple open to reveal the star in the center. She would then eat it before a mirror by candlelight, supposedly her future suitor would appear over her shoulder in a mirror.
Even small snails would be used on this night to spell out the name of the future intended in the ashes of the fire.
There are many customs and symbols for Halloween. The custom of hollowing out pumpkins to be made into jack-o-lanterns comes from the people of Scotland and Ireland who carved out large beets or turnips to be used for their lanterns. Soon with the immigration of people from Scotland and Ireland this custom made it to America where pumpkins were used. At first the pumpkins were used as a symbol of the spirits that were in the dark, or in the souls released from purgatory.
The name Jack-o-Lantern might have come from an Irish character named Jack. He could not enter heaven because of the bad way he treated people and for keeping all his money. But because he had tricked the devil many times the devil did not want him in hell either. As his punishment Jack was destined to walk the earth forever and only had a small peace of coal that Satan gave him to light his lantern.
Bobbing for apples might well come from a rite of Pagan baptism. The novice that is being baptized is immersed headfirst in a cauldron of regeneration similar to Christian baptismal fonts.

The origin of costume wearing on Halloween is thought to have begun in Ireland. There in County Cork the adults would dress up in costumes as they begged from house to house. A man dressed in a white robe and holding a wooden horse's head usually led the group.
In Scotland these costumed people would be known as skelets as they begged on Halloween. And in Whales the boys would dress as girls and the girls as boys as they progressed from house to house singing rhymes.
In Ancient times adults would dress up in costumes begging for a treat which was often one of spirits, liquid not supernatural. Also during this time adults would gather in groups and sing songs as they wandered from house to house. This is similar to the caroling that is done at Christmas, but in ancient times caroling was done on all holidays.
Halloween costume began to become popular in the late 1800s in the United States. But a few years later in the 1900s children mainly wore the costumes. Some of the first costumes to be made for children were of fairies, gypsies and burglars. After the television became a household world factory made costumes became popular in the 1950s. Many of the costume made were from movies and television stars and characters.
Trick or treating may have begun with the leaving out of food for a treat for spirits that the people thought roamed around on Halloween night.
Many different customs of this appeared all over the world, in England, people went door to door asking for small breads in exchange for their prayers. In England and Ireland people would parade on many holidays in masks and groups of these people would go door to door asking for food in return for a song or a small performance.
Today trick or treating is the main activity for children in North America. On Halloween night young children dress in costumes that are either homemade or store bought and they go from house to house in their neighborhood yelling trick or treat.
The custom of Mischief night is also know as the devil's night and it is when young people play tricks on their neighbors. They may decorate a tree with toilet paper or soap windows. Lately Mischief night has evolved from a night of harmless fun into a night of destruction and rowdy behavior.
To the Wiccan religion, Halloween is one of their four high holidays. Because of the great importance that witches put on this holiday it is referred to as the great sabbats. Many new covens today have reverted back to calling Halloween by the older name of Samhain. The older traditional covens still call it Halloween.
Because of the importance of the holiday witches hold two celebrations on this night. The first is a large Halloween party that includes their Christian and non-Wiccan friends. This celebration is usually done before the actual holiday of October 31st.
Next the coven holds a ritual on Halloween where they will do their rituals and rites. Many celebrants feel that the dead join in during this ritual as well.
Many of Halloween's traditions are still firmly rooted in Paganism.

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