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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Do you have a ghost in your house?

Do you have a ghost in your house? And if anything sounds like what is happening in your house what to do about it.

It may seem ridiculous to imagine that someone would not know if they have a ghost in their house or not. But many people write off the strange occurrences that can be the sign of a spirit to the house settling and the ignore the obvious signs of a presence of a spirit until its too late.

Many people report that they have looked for items that seem to have disappeared only to turn up in their usual place or where they have all ready looked. This could be the signs of a spirit that is trying to enter into your daily life.

Some people report that their pets such as dogs or cats seem to be afraid to go into certain areas of their house or that they seem to be watching some one or something that their owners can not see. This is because animals as well as small children have the ability to see spirits. Some homeowners report that they see small shadows that seem to disappear when they turn to look directly at them. Many think that these shadows are most likely mice that scurry away but this too could be a sign of spirit activity.

Other people report sounds coming from inside their walls, at first they thought these sounds to be mice or a small animal caught between their walls, but after calling in an exterminator they find there is nothing there. Soon these sounds go from the soft sound of scratching to loud thunderous knockings that sound as if each blow would crack the plaster. Still others report the sounds of footsteps inside the house that seem as if there is an intruder inside their house, but they find no one when they inspect. Also the sounds of doors or windows being opened or closed when they are not. Some people report actually seeing the windows or doors open and close. Also people have reported that they hear the sounds of people talking, music playing, whispering, radios playing, teakettles whistling or any other sound that can not be naturally accounted for.

Sometimes someone will have the feeling of being watched or just an uneasiness in certain areas of their house. Many other have reported strange cold areas of their house all year long and no matter what they do they can not warm these areas up.

Still other people report strange occurrences with their electricity. Light bulbs seem to burn out on a regular basis in the same area. While their television may turn on or off on its own or even change channels randomly.

Some people report that pictures that they have taken around the house seem to have a strange mist in them or there are many ghost orbs. Many people at first think that these abnormalities are mistakes in the film, the film processor or something they did at the time they took the pictures, they would never suspect spirit energy as the culprit.

A few people report that they have been touched in a room when no other person is in the room. Also many people report hearing their name being called either in the night or during the day when no one else is around.

Still others report that they have smelled strange smells around the house that normally are not found in the household. Some report the smell of dead and rotting flesh or the smell of flowers blooming on a winters day and some have even smelled sulfur, all these smells have no origin found upon investigation.

Many people have reported seeing white balls of light flying around a room or small sparkles like that of sparklers on the fourth of July in a darkened room. Still others report more anomalies of color and light again without an origin.

If indeed you are experiencing any of the above then you might be living in a haunted house. The best thing you can do is to contact someone that is reputable in the paranormal field to help you rid your house of the unwanted intruder. Do not think that you can live co-habitually with the spirit because this will not work.

Make sure the research team that you contact can and will work with you to rid you of this spirit and not just want to document spirit activity. This can cause spirit infestation to increase and may become harmful to you and your family. Ask the contact person many questions about what they plan on doing and how they will do it.

What you can do while you wait for the investigation is to find out anything you can about your house and the property it is built on. There could have been sad deaths, murders or suicides committed on the property or in the house that could explain the spirit activity. The house could have been built on property where a house had previously been built on and a tragedy occurred. A former occupant could have been into the occult or used occult practices to entice spirits there.

Once the investigators arrive share everything with them this will help them in determining the best action to use to rid your house of the unwanted intruder.


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