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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Different Forms of Magic

There are many different forms of magic. Many spell casters learn more than one form. These forms each require certain rituals to be done in order to have anything happen. Some of the different forms prohibit the use of other magic rituals these usually are the ones that involve invoking spirits.

Following are some of the different forms of magic, note that most offer a form of divination, which is the foretelling of the future by supernatural means. All forms are dangerous to the person that is not aware of the consequence in doing the ritual. Always remember that in invoking or summoning a spirit during a ritual the spirit usually requires some sort of payment like a contract. This can be as simple as calling on a spirit and then promising to have regular ceremonies in remembrance of this spirit to a contract that implies much worse consequence. A contract of this type is usually promised to a demonic spirit for something that they did for the caster. A demonic contract of such is more tight and inflexible and is usually that you will give us this. So spell casters beware!

The first form of magic is elemental magic and it deals with calling on elemental spirits. These are usually spirits that deal with nature like light, ice, wind, trees, fire, etc. In this form of magic the caster calls on the various types of elementals to perform the minor tasks and to give the caster the knowledge that they seek. The caster then contacts these spirits that can bring the information of several types in order to aid him in his foretelling and spells.

Another form of magic is crystalomancy or crystal gazing. It is a divination practice that has been practiced since ancient times. A person attempting this form of magic can use any transparent object, such as crystals, crystal ball, mirror or water. A practitioner in this art is generally known as a crystallomacers or crystal gazer. Crystal gazers usually use a sphere or an oval globe made of genuine rock crystal. The color can vary and it can either be transparent or opalescent depending on the gazer's desire. The crystal itself must be with out any flaws and a perfect ball and stands on a base that is ebony, ivory or boxwood.

The ceremony of crystalomancy is an elaborate ritual and can be used for a variety of reasons and have been used in the finding of missing persons. The images that are produced by the crystal gazer are left open to careful interpretation and could be easily misinterpreted.

The next form of magic is that of necromancy. Necromancy is the speaking with the dead. Many practitioners of this art summon up dead spirits to gain lost knowledge or guidance. This along with all other forms of magic can be very dangerous to the novice or person looking to get some kicks with the paranormal realm. In summoning up spirits one can never be sure as to what you have summoned. Many a reckless practitioner has summoned a spirit hoping to gain the wisdom of the ages and instead has contacted the terror of the ages. So beware!

Hydromancy is the next form of ritual magic and is the process of divination by water. It is similar to crystalomancy and has several different methods to the process. One method uses a ring suspended from a string over a shaken vessel of water, another method is throwing three stones into standing water and making observations from the circles formed in the water. Still other methods use words pronounced over water, oil being dropped in water, watching the whirls and current in a river, still other methods relay on the agitation of the water. Once again the interpretation is left up to the practitioner.

The next form of magic is blood magic or sanguimancy. This is not a blood spilling magic as the name suggests but rather the bloodline of the practitioner.
The practitioner's ancestry may have included demons, fairies, imps, or the like. These spell casters magic is much wilder and use other forms of magic too.

Totemancy is the form of magic that deals with the spirits of animals. This is usually done in wide-open places. The practitioner calls on these spirits in order to enhance their physical abilities. Like for instance the practitioner may call on the spirit of a wolf to enhance their ability to be cunning and have sharp senses like that of a wolf, or they may call on the spirit of a mountain lion to enhance their ability to be sleek and agile.

There are many more forms of ritual magic all equally dangerous to the unwary practitioner. These should never be attempted by anyone not familiar in the ritual or the consequences of what might happen.


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