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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Haunted America

Red Lion Inn: These antique filled rooms hold many memories of a bygone era, some of these memories still conjure up ghostly presents. Starting with the third floor many over night guests have reported seeing the specter of a young woman stepping out of a large painting and slowly gliding down the hallway. There are reports of many of the rooms being haunted by past occupants of a long ago time. The Widow Bingham’s tavern is visited by the apparitions of Norman Rockwell and movie actor John Wayne, who both spent many an evening at the Lion.
Some of the many guest houses are also visited by nocturnal visions of a life past, the Pratt suite in the adjacent Stratford house there have been reports of Mrs. Pratt carrying on her daily activities just as she did well over a hundred years ago. The grand lobby of the main Inn is has had also many reported ghost sightings by guests and staff alike.
Norman Rockwell Museum: on many a tour of Mr. Rockwell’s studio visitors have reported feeling his presence and a few visitors have reported seeing him still hard at work painting one of his master pieces.
Main Street: Old Norman Rockwell studio, one the second floor of what is now a small restaurant Norman Rockwell once had his art studio, the large window afforded him the opportunity of watching Stockbridge life go by and using many of the locals in his work, many people walking down Main Street and glancing up at those large window report of seeing Norman still watching .
The Indian Burial Ground Monument: with its obelisk of stone hewn from the nearby Ice Glen is further west on the south side of Main. There are reports of visitors approaching the monument and hearing the soft chanting of Indians at prayer.
The Old Burying Ground: Many of the poor unfortunate and innocent victims of the Salem Witch hunt are buried here. Because of the recognition of these unfortunates many visitors report seeing the apparitions of period dress individuals walking from tombstone to tombstone.
The Judges House: This house is thought to have been where the accused where brought to be questioned. Many visitors report seeing a young woman perhaps in her late teens standing in an upstairs room. No one seems to know who this woman is perhaps she is the ghost of one of the woman accused who was brought here to be questioned.
The Witch Museum: all though this building was not from the era of the Witch hunt there seems to be a lot of paranormal activity here. Many visitors report being pushed, seeing apparitions, being touched and hearing whisperings. Perhaps this is due to the recognition that is given to the victims.
The House of the Seven Gables: This magnificent house located on Salem Harbor was the home of author Nathaniel Hawthorne. This house has everything from antiques, secret staircases and ghosts. Visitors report see many apparitions young and old in the many rooms of this house and few guests report seeing Nathaniel Hawthorne busy writing at his desk.



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