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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Mirror Messages

Everyone has seen at least one horror movie that has a person in the bathroom. The mirror is all fogged up and they turn away and when they turn back there is a message on the mirror. Mirrors are believed to be the windows to other realities. There are many portals in our homes that open and close all the time, mirrors are thought to be just one of these portals.

The entity uses the mirror to communicate with a person, this can be done on a fogged up mirror either through a message written in words or by drawing a picture. Unlike a person writing on a fogged up mirror one letter at a time, these messages manifest immediately in their entirety.

Mirrors have longed been used to receive messages from beyond. They enable one to see the past, present and future. This is called mirror scrying. Mirrors can also be used to communicate with a sprit by means of a psycomanthium. In a psycomanthium, a person is seated before a large mirror, the room is dark and a candle is placed behind them, the person then commands a spirit to come forth in the mirror which is then visible. This spirit can then answer questions of the person. This is very dangerous.


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