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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Full Moons

Every one is intrigued by a full moon. There have been many stories written about the effects on a person during the full moon. The most famous one is of the werewolf. In the story it was believed that during the full moon a person bitten by a werewolf would turn into a wolf and feed its hunger on unsuspecting victims.

Still today there are many stories of a person going insane during the full moon. Many nurses and doctors report that their patients tend to act in different manners during a full moon as opposed to any other time of the month. There seems to be a rise in crime during a full moon also.

Possibly this is due to the moon pulling on the earth more at this time than other times and this might influence people in different ways.

Many occult religions practice special rituals during a full moon to use the energy given off at that time.


Below is a list of full moons and their names and times of their rising for 2003.

August 11th---- Full Sturgeon Moon 11:48 pm

September 10th---Full Harvest Moon 11:36 am

October 10th----Full Hunters Moon 2:27 am

November 8th---Full Beaver Moon 8:13 pm

December 8th---Full Cold Moon 3:36 pm

Remember "to beware when the moon is full"


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