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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



Paganism is a religion and should not be taken as a joke. For some it is a different way of looking at the world just as much as any of the other religions do. Although it is not a cult as it does not look at one leader for the answers to problems, rather pagans tend to be individuals that are a free thinking group of people. Pagans respect for nature and believe that a divine lives in everything.

Many pagans believe in developing a relationship with their gods and goddess through spell work and meditations. There is a pagan calendar that has holidays that they celebrate.

Pagan congregations some times are called covens, circles or study groups. Also there are many solitary practicing witches too.

Pagans do not worship Satan or the Lord, rather they have an endless number of pre-Christian deities that they worship instead. They do not believe in notions of good and evil, they only believe in appropriate or inappropriate actions.

One thing Satanism is not a pagan tradition; most witches take a serious offense to be confused with Satanists.


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