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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Deliverance Ministry


Paranormal Pictures


This picture was taken in "The Lost Cemetery" in Thomaston.  It's an old cemetery around the 15 - 1600's hidden back in the woods of a more modern cemetery. This cemetery was found about five years ago, when grounds keepers built a path through the woods to dump old flowers and tree clippings.  

The area has been tagged with pentagram and a make shift alter was built toward the back of the small cemetery. Judging by the general feel of the area and the spirits in the picture they are not resting peacefully.  

When I was there it was oddly quiet (even though its near a major road way) except for the occasional creepy whisper.   I had the feeling that I was being followed so I took the picture.  As I was walking out I heard a whisper, turned snapped the photo and got a nice little picture. In the lower left hand corner you can see a face that is on an angle (tilt your head slightly to the left you'll see it). I think it looks like an overly chubby smiling man. In the middle of the photo, you can see a not so smiley horned spirit directly in the middle of the path. I think he wanted me to leave. Very creepy trip indeed.

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