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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Paranormal Pictures


The old Salem Cemetery has a lot activity in it, even in day light..

The houses that surround the cemetery are very old and look to still have the original owners!

Salem 2003

This old house, near the beginning of the town, was once owned by a political figure. This picture has a single orb that seems to be moving.  


 The same house, seconds after the first orb picture.  It was a clear night and from this picture, we are standing in the middle of ghost mist and spheres.


A different angle of the house. The ghost mist and spheres are heavy.  


Different angles of the house. The activity level got high once we started taking pictures


Different angles of the house. The ghost mist and spheres continue...


Different angles of the house. Almost can't see through the ghost mist...


Different angles of the house. People are definetly daring!


In front of this house, is a gathering of ghost spheres.


Throughout the night, we took pictures of different buildings, in this picture you see a ghost sphere in the window.



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