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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Paranormal Pictures


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Orb Picture captured around Father's Day 2003. Used with permission from


Four great Orb Pictures captured around the spirit's green chair. Used with permission from


A wonderful picture of a ghostly image.  Used with permission from Moonlight Embrace at


"This photo was taken in my sister's friend's house.  It looks like a ghost who is kneeling on the floor. This photo is truly amazing!"


"In the top left corner of this picture is an extremely noticeable pink glowing sphere. Lake Compounce is "America's Oldest Amusement Park", so I am not surprised to see supernatural phenomena in this picture."


"An ex-boyfriend's house and the amount of orbs shown in those pictures is phenomenal."


At first it looks like a picture of Bagel Bites, but circled is a strange orange sphere. 




"Last night a friend of mine from California had sent me a photograph of himself and his group of co-workers in front of The California State Prison. When I looked at the photo I immediately realized that there was as ghost mist on the right side of the sign and 4 orbs, also in the right side of the picture. I don't find this surprising since that prison is very old and was known for holding many executions there way back when."


This was sent in by a visitor and she told us that this was taken in a dark supposedly empty room, she has no idea what that shaft is or what seems to be a TV picture as there is no TV in that room and there was no light source. 


These pictures, taken at different times, all have the same eerie blue spheres.  We are currently reviewing the history of the field to see what occurred there, if anything.  Thank you Kathy for these great pictures.

"This picture was taken near my house also in a school parking lot at night time. The mist in the picture is quite visible and obvious, it's very strange though. I also took more pictures in this parking lot which resulted in reveling many orbs." 


"This picture was taken at a local cemetery in my town. As you can see I tinted the picture blue to make the orbs clear and visible. I also have many more pictures from this same cemetery also reveling many more orbs."


"This picture was taken in my friend Karen's basement in the complete dark. Notice the strange plasma-like things on the walls. Weird, huh? We think her house is haunted, she's always hearing footsteps in the attic." 


"This picture was taken while I was at a stop sign a couple of blocks away from my house" 


"This picture was taken in the pitch black woods at night time over by my house. Notice the two red dots and the glowing thing. I have never seen anything like this before." 


"This picture was take a couple years ago in my living room on Christmas Eve. I think it's my grandma. She died in the dining room back during Christmas when I was not even 2 years old."


"This picture was taken by one of my sisters friend at my old middle school. Notice the yellow mist throughout the photo"


"This picture was taken in a mission in California, in Father Serra's room, there is no picture on the door of a man."


"This photo was also taken by one of my sister's friends out on her back deck. It appears to be a ghost mist" 


An amazing photo of ghost mist, sent to us by one of the site's visitor's  New


These were sent in for our site from Carolann in California (she wrote a story for our site The boy from Valero, she says nothing was in front of the camera and she sees an image of an angel.


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