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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



Santeria, translated means the way of the saints. It is a religion that has a Caribbean origin; the Spanish applied it as a demeaning reference to the people. They felt that these people had an unusual devotion to Saints rather than to Jesus Christ.

Many of the Catholic saints are given names in the Santeria faith; for example St. Lazarus became Babalz Ayi.

God is referred to as Olorun, the "owner of heaven: He needs food in the form of animal sacrifice, prepared dishes as well as human praise.

Ritual sacrifices play an important part in Santeria, the animal blood, commonly chickens I collected and offered to Olorun, it is thought that this blood pleases the saint thus bringing good luck, purification and forgiveness.

As in Voodoo, the dance plays an important part believing that it brings possession to individuals. Also as in voodoo the ancestors play an important part as an example and a guide.

There are many national variations to this religion.

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