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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Crystal Tears


There is a report of a young Lebanese girl who can produce tears that are actually crystals and as sharp as glass. The doctors attending to her state that she feels no pain and is not cut when she cries these tears. These tears are reported to flow 7 times a day every day. These crystals were filmed by a local television station. Her eyes were filmed close up and showed pieces of glass slowly making their way out of her eyes, these pieces of glass seemed to becoming from her retina.

The phenomenon started when this child was at school and she felt something in her eye, this was her first piece of crystal. As she came home and told her family a second piece of crystal came out of her eye. Her father immediately took her to a doctor who could find no medical explanation for it. He certified that the crystals were real and that their was no scientific explanation for it.

The young girl told a story of a strange encounter that she had a few days after the crystal tears began to fall. She was awakened by a knock on her window by a man dressed all in white sitting on a white horse, she called him her "white knight". This apparition told her that the crystal tears were from God and that it would stop when God willed it. He also told her that all her family must leave their house or something bad would happen.

The whole family except one brother left, he was involved in a very bad car accident, but survived. The "white knight" came back and told the young girl that he had said all must leave. He also told her he would be with her always. One of these meeting between the young girl and the "white knight" apparition was witnessed by her younger brother. He heard her talking to someone but he could neither hear or see the person she was speaking with.

There were a few reports of fraud but no one could figure out exactly how the fraud was orchestrated with her producing crystals from her eyes with out injury. No one that labeled this case fraudulent could explain how she produced the crystals in front of television cameras. There are still many believers that do not think she is a fraud rather they believe that she is a miracle of God.

The crystal tears began in March of 1996 and ended in November of the same year. People in her village believer her to be a holy person or at least a divine envoy.


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