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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research



What you might want to include when you go investigating ghosts.

1: Flashlight, either pocket or pen size, extra batteries and a 9-volt lantern.

2: Either a digital camera or a 35-mm camera with a lot of film preferably ASA 400.

3: Tape recorder or a digital recorder to record EVP sounds that one might or might not here during the investigation.

4: Video camera to record a ghost in movement. How great would it be to show home movies of your investigations?

5: Notebook and pens or pencils to take notes on what was seen or what was being done at a certain time. Nothing is worse than taking pictures and not remembering what or why you took them.

6:Thermometer to measure the temperature. Many have said that when strong paranormal activity occurs, the temperature drops.

7: A compass, measuring tape, and goss meter. These are all items that can be useful if you get lost, want to measure the distance of an object or if you want to measure the electricity in the air.

8: Holy water or religious medallions just in case the phenomenon is not too friendly.

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