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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


The Haunted Workplaces

Ever sit at work and feel like you are being watched well just maybe it’s not your boss doing the watching, maybe your workplace is in fact haunted by some unseen spirit. Here you will read about true tales of hauntings that have and are taking places in many of the workplaces through out the world. The places have not been named as to protect a surge of investigations.


There may be many reasons why a workplace is haunted, there could have been a tragic accident or maybe someone really enjoyed their job, so that after passing they might still want to continue to work, or if the workplace could have been built on haunted land. Here are just a few incidences of workplace related hauntings.


Nursing homes and hospitals seem to top the list of haunted workplaces, as life seems to play out in these facilities. In nursing homes, many elderly persons go there to live out their remaining years and many deaths occur there on a regular basis, it goes for hospitals also.


There are many reports of nurses on the “graveyard” shift “seeing” patients that they could not account for. One nurse that worked in a nursing home wrote to us about an elderly man that was constantly seen peering through the windows on the door for an upstairs wing. Many new nurses thinking that an elderly patient was lost would give chase only to find out that no such patient was missing or lost.


Other nurses in the same home reported seeing a tall woman in white that would go from room to room, thinking that one of the patients were out of bed a thorough search was made only to discover that all the patients were accounted for and asleep.


At another facility for rehabilitation a nurse wrote to us about patients that saw a woman come into their room and hide in their closet, the two frightened woman called the nurses station and someone went to inspect the closet, they of course found no one. They calmed down the two women and went back to the station, not two minutes later the patients in the same room called the station again and said that the woman had just come out of the closet and walked through the wall by the window.


Many nursing homes and hospitals report that at a dying patients bedside there will be specters of the persons family members as if they are waiting to escort them after death. This although frightening to some may in fact be a comfort to many terminally ill people, that they in fact would not be dying alone but in fact be surrounded by family members.


Also many nurses and orderlies wrote to us about seeing apparitions in hospitals especially around the morgue area, perhaps this is where their earthly bodies were last and they wanted to be close to this place.


One woman that was in visiting a very sick relative in intensive care reported to us of seeing a relative of hers checking up on the patient as if that relative was still among the living and just carrying on the duty of seeing to a sick family member.


A woman that worked in a cafeteria reported that when she came to work early in the morning to set up for the day, she would hear the food trays being pushed along the rails as if someone was pushing them along to pick up their food and beverages. When she stepped out into the serving area no trays were out of place.


Storeowners also report mysterious noises and movement of objects as if the unseen apparition is unhappy with the way the store is set up. A local antique shop owner reported strange occurrences just after he purchased a sideboard from an estate sale. Working late at night he would often hear the sound of many voices in the front of the shop, but upon closer inspection he would find that he was alone. Things placed on the sideboard for sale would be found moved to another area as if someone did not want the items there. Many other noises would occur throughout the store, with no explanation as to what was causing them. Strangely all occurrences would stop as soon as the sideboard was sold. It makes you wonder if the new owners of the haunted sideboard were having any strange things happening in their home.


Many reports of haunting were reported in a local factory that was once an institution for the mentally ill. Workers on the late shift would report the disembodied screams and moans of the long ago patients. One work room was especially bad with screams and moans, strange banging sounds and just a feeling of despair, that when the factory’s owner did some research he found that this room was used for the hydrotherapy of the seriously mentally ill. This hydrotherapy was a bathtub filled with warm water in which the agitated patient would be immersed into; a heavy leather cap would be put over the entire tub only leaving the patients head visible. The water in the bath was then changed by a serious of pulsating bursts that were meant to calm the patient, but many became violent kicking the sides of the tub, moaning and screaming until finally they relented and became subdued.


A town hall in the northeast was having a lot of unexplained hauntings. Many workers going down into the vaults to put away important documents would report hearing someone crying in the long depths of the cellar. A psychic was brought in and this psychic picked up the spirit of a mentally ill man that had been locked down in the depths of this cellar by orderlies to see if he would be frightened. The town hall had a history in the early part of the last century it was a mental hospital where many acts of cruelty was uncovered causing the hospital to close it’s door.


Also in this same building many workers reported the vision of a small boy with a facial deformity hiding in fear from the ward guards that would come and torment him at night. It is reported that many parents in the early 1920s faced with a child that had a deformity would in fact place them into this hospital and literally forget about them. The orderlies at that time were indeed called ward guards. 


The hauntings in workplaces is not a new occurrence, but there have been many accounts of ethereal visions through out time.


In the 1860s one farmer could not get his farm hands to work in a certain area of his farm. No matter what he tried they would refuse claiming that they heard disembodied voices, pleading for help, calling for a mama, moaning and screaming. At first the farmer did not believe them, believing that they were trying to get out of doing work, so he went out to the area that the farm hands heard the noises in.


At first all the farmer could hear was the area sounds of the wind, birds and other noises, but soon these common noises were replaced by voices. At first the farmer suspected his farm hands of playing a trick, but after searching he could not find them. So the farmer began to listen, he heard a voice that was calling out to some ones momma, another calling for help, still another repeating water, water over and over again. These voices seemed to fill the air with the moaning and groaning, frightened the farmer ran back to his home, vowing never to return to that area of his farm. After he had calmed down he realized that acreage was used as a temporary gravesite for the many wounded and dying victims from the Gettysburg battle, until they could be relocated to a permanent gravesite.


What the farmer and farm hands were hearing was an impression on history caused by the dying brave men of that battle.


There are many more reports of hauntings in the work place if in fact you have a story to tell we would be more than happy to hear about it and possibly print it on our website.


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